Chapter 15 - When It Goes Wrong

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Louise’s POV

What a brilliant waste of time that was! Explaining to Mr Gregory that I had no idea what was going on was like trying to talk to a brick wall. How could I tell him about a rumour I only heard from Conor? Anyway, I walked out of Mr Gregory’s office to be greeted by an empty set of seats. Great. No one could even be bothered to wait for me! I sighed to myself and walked down the corridor, heading towards the school gate to finally get home.

“There she is! Go on! Say it!” I heard whispers behind me as I stepped out of the school building and began to walk across the car park to the gates. I didn’t look back. I didn’t want to!

“Louise?” That voice was recognisable anywhere. Ross…

“What?” I said as I kept walking.

“Look, I just want a chat. Please. Stop walking for a second…” I stopped dead and turned round to him.

“What, Ross? What more could you possibly want to say to me?” I shouted at him, but felt guilty straight afterwards.

“I… I just wanted to tell you about Conor…” I rolled my eyes and folded my arms over my chest.

“What? That you don’t like him? That he’s my new best friend? What?” I shouted. If this was school time I’d have bought everyone’s attention to our conversation but luckily for us, school had ended.

“No!” He shouted at me, suddenly silencing me. “It’s about him and Kaiya…”

“What, another rumour?” I scoffed.

“No, the truth…” He looked confused at me.

“Yeah, sure. Just like Josh and Frank told everyone about me and David… I’m fed up of rumours in the school! It’ll be real when he tells me it’s real!” I said, my mind debating with itself.

“Then go and ask him. My mates told me they saw him and her walking out hand in hand from school. He’s dating Kaiya. The end.” My stomach dropped. It felt like my world was beginning to crumble around me. This cant be true…

“No… That’s not possible! He doesn’t associate with school kids!” I said, quoting directly.

“Well, it seems he’s changed his mind. Look, I’m just trying to help here. I could have left it and waited for you to find out in school and been embarrassed in front of everyone… I was trying to do a favour…” Ross comforted as best he could. I could tell part of him didn’t want to be stood here helping me but the other part was saying he was doing the right thing.

“Thank you, Ross. I appreciate it. But if this turns out to be a big joke I will knock your head off your shoulders…” I threatened and he laughed.

“Still the same then…” He smiled. “If I’m lying I give you permission to do that, yeah? That’s how sure I am…”

“Hmm. Yeah. Thanks.” I say quickly. “Bye.” I turn and walk away, my head spinning with all the information I just didn’t need to hear. How could this happen? I thought he liked me!

I stormed out of the gates and began the long walk home. All I could think about was the day I was late and Conor gave me a ride to work on his motorbike, how he did it to annoy Ross and how he stuck up for me in front of the whole school when he hit Josh. Yet now I’m walking home alone, my heart straining to stay in one piece, with the idea Conor was dating one of the popular girls in my head. It can’t be true, can it? He hated the popular girls… I thought he hated them… Maybe he just hates me.

“So I’ll pick you up tomorrow, babe?” I heard ahead of me. The voice rung a bell but I was too busy in my world of depression right now to care who it was.

“Sure thing, Conor. Love you!” I heard a high pitched, irritating girls voice say. One I’d heard only days ago. Kaiya… I looked up and there, nearly exactly the same place Conor had picked me up on his bike was Conor dropping Kaiya off home. She strolled off into her house with a huge smile on her face.

“Redford!” He said enthusiastically as I walked near him, but keeping my head down I walked straight past him without so much as looking at him. “Hey!” He called as he started his bike. Before I knew it he was riding alongside me. “Redford?” His callings had now turned into checking if I was alright. I slowly looked to my right to see Conor riding his bike slowly. He didn’t have his helmet on.

“What?” My voice cracked.

“A-Are you alright?” He asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” I lied. The way I spat it made it obvious I wasn’t ok.

“What’s wrong?” I shook my head and kept walking. He just wasn’t giving up easily. “Tell me!” I stopped, causing him to stop the bike suddenly. It wobbled but he managed to steady it and kick the stand out.

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?!” My voice rose, but then I looked around and whispered. “If you knew anything about me and ever paid attention you’d know exactly what the matter was!”

“What are you talking about?”

“Out of everyone, you pick her?” I hiss. How stupid can guys be? I don’t even care if I pour my heart out to him now, it’s too late.

“I-Is this about Kaiya?” He stuttered.

“No, it’s about Miss Robertson. Yes of course it’s about her! Why her?” He looked confused at me. “It was so obvious, Conor. Everyone at school noticed… Just not you…” I walked off again, tears filling my eyes. I didn’t want to look weak to him, so I quickly wiped them away as I walked off. I heard the bike start and prayed he wouldn’t drive alongside me again, my feelings couldn’t deal with it right now.

“Notice what?” He was riding alongside me.

“I’ll tell you what, Conor, cos I just don’t care anymore… Just ask anyone at school. Pick anyone; Ross, David, Josh, Frank or a random person in school and I guarantee they’ll be able to tell you. You just can’t see it for some reason…” I said, trying to hold back the tears as I spoke.

“I don’t get it.” He said simply.

“Conor, ride home, text someone or go online and ask anyone. They will tell you.” I said. “Just go.” My voice broke as I said that. He hesitated as he put his helmet on, riding alongside me for a few more seconds before speeding off. I breathed a sigh of relief and the tears began to fall freely. How could he not realise how much I felt for him? I thought it was obvious…

Obviously not…

So What? (A Conor Maynard Fan/Pop Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now