Chapter 9 - The First Detention

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Louise’s POV

I wasn’t exaggerating either… I walked into the hall for detention and I got snarled at by Frank and Josh. The glare they gave me sent chills down my spine, I could imagine them thinking up horrible ways to torture me for embarrassing them at school. I gulped and walked quickly to the desk furthest away from them and prayed Miss Robertson would be mouthy enough to keep them at bay. For the first time, I felt fear. My stomach was churning and making me feel sick. The hall was set out like it was for exams; Chairs and tables set out in rows covering the entire space, but no matter where I sat I didn’t feel safe.

“Louise…” Frank sounded very nasal when he spoke. “How nice of you to come to detention!”

“Go away Frank.” I said simply, but inside I was crying, praying for Miss Robertson or Conor to walk in the room and save me from them. Damn me coming in early.

“But we’ve not spoken since you tried to break my nose…” He teased.

“Frank, if I wanted to break your nose, I would have.” I said, instantly regretting this threatening tone I was showing to them.

“She beat you up?” David burst out laughing. I hid the smile that was growing on my face but Frank’s anger grew and he shot a glare at David, seconds later pushing him off his chair, a loud thump and crash echoed the hall as David’s head hit the next table along in the row.

“It’s not funny!” He shouted as David let out a yelp.

“Come on guys, stop fighting!” Miss Robertson walked into the hall, her tiny frame emphasised in a flowing flower print dress.

“We weren’t fighting, Miss.” Josh said in a sweetie-pie voice.

“Well, whatever it was, I don’t want to see it anymore!” She said trying to sound authoritarian. “Now, let’s see… Louise, Josh, David, Frank… Where’s Conor?”

“Probably beating someone up!” Josh laughed.

“Nah, you’re already here!” I joked.

“Shut your mouth, Louise.” Josh spat.

“Be careful, Josh! She might beat you up again!” Frank badgered. I could see Miss Robertson twitch in her chair awkwardly as she witness the beginning of what we could all see becoming a fight.

“Guys!” She shouted as loud as she could, you could hear her voice break by the end of it. “Can you all just behave?” She took a huge breath in and out. We all sunk in our chairs. I pulled a book out of my bag and began reading it at the desk.

“Yeah guys! Just behave!” A familiar husky voice echoed the hall. I kept my head down but looked up to see Conor standing in the doorway. I didn’t want it to look obvious that I was happy for him turning up.

“Very funny, Conor. You’re late…” Miss Robertson shook her head. “Look guys, let’s get seated properly you’re all spread out. Come to the front.”

“Ha! You’re having a laugh!” David cackled. “I aint moving.” I rolled my eyes. This is what I have to deal with on a regular basis.

“You’re moving!” Miss Robertson snapped.

“Where’d you want me, Miss?” Conor asked, a smirk on his face.

“Nowhere near her!” Frank laughed.

“She’d rather have me than you!” Conor laughed menacingly.

“I think every girl in the world would rather me than you…” Frank said, so full of himself I thought he would explode.

“Well I’m not sure about that…” Conor said. “Miss Robertson, who would you rather have?” Her face dropped and she looked confused. I, on the other hand, was choking on nothing from the shock of him asking a teacher that.

“That’s not something I’m willing to answer Conor. Sit down!” She said after snapping out of her shock coma.

“I’ll take that as a draw.” Frank said. Conor shrugged.

“Louise.” Conor said and he walked towards my desk. I could feel my heart beating faster with every step he took but I tried to remain calm and read my book. He stopped in front of my desk and squat down in front of me, grabbing hold of my book and taking it from my hands. I stared down at the table for a second before slowly looking up.

“Yeah?” I mumbled weakly. I could barely speak.

“Do you prefer me or Frank?” He asked in such a soft tone it was like listening to a different man.

“Umm…” I couldn’t say it. He was right in front of me and I couldn’t say it. My body was screaming ‘YOU! I PREFER YOU!’ but my mouth wasn’t voicing my opinion.

“Ha! Even she doesn’t want you Conor!” Josh and David sniggered.

“Aww Conor, you’re all alone!” Frank tormented.

“I haven’t said anything yet!” I shouted. I had actually forgotten Miss Robertson was even here, she was just sitting at the front of the hall marking homework. All the boys looked over at me eagerly. “I prefer Conor.” I finally said and relief washed over me. He smiled at me and winked as he stood up.

“Well, Frank, this just proves that I’m better than you!” Conor smugly walked to his seat and put his feet on the table. I could feel my face glowing red and I felt so embarrassed. How were we going to keep doing this for the rest of the year? “Thank you, Louise!” I picked my book back up and continued to read. The only problem was that I couldn’t concentrate. I must have read the same sentence over and over again, no matter how much I tried to read it wasn’t sinking in and I had to go back to the beginning. This is going to be a long detention and an incredibly long year as far as I’m concerned…

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