Chapter 26 - Brotherly Love

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A/N: Because i love you guys so much, here's another chapter! :D I know you guys love cliffhangers!! ;)  I just wanted to say a quick thank you to you all for your support, each and every read, comment and vote makes me so happy and i'm nearing 3000 reads already! Without you guys, i wouldnt be writing, so thank you all for making my dream come true to write for people! So thank you all!! I hope you enjoy this chapter and i can hopefully upload again soon! :D Happy reading! I LOVE YOU GUYS!  xxxxxxxxxx

Louise's POV

Conor's eyes narrowed and he was breathing heavily; he'd been clenching his fists for so long the veins in his arms were noticeable. Even I felt scared. My heart felt like it was beating out of my chest. I could barely breathe. I could barely speak. I could barely swallow.

"LEAVE HIM ALONE!" Conor shouted so angrily everyone went silent. Some of the people in the crowd began to back off behind Conor for safety. David smirked, pulled Jack up from the floor and swung him into the lockers to the left of them. Jack fell to the floor clutching his head. I couldn't handle this anymore. I felt numb.  I ran over to Jack and bent down beside him.

"Jack! Are you alright?" I said to him as I wiped some tears away. He was shaking, he looked so cold but he felt hot.

"Why is he so horrible?" He asked me and I felt my heart breaking as it had when I first saw him. He looked defeated, crushed.

"He's just a bad man, Jack. Come on, I'll get you away from him and help your brother!" I said and Jack's face lit up, but it soon dropped.

"My head hurts." He put his hand to the back of his head and when he pulled it back, it was stained red. I gasped and pulled him in for a hug. He hugged me back and I prayed the blood would transfer from his hand onto my black cardigan. I don't need him to see this. I looked up and noticed one of the lockers had a big thick lock on it, no doubt Jack hit his head on that... I pressed my hand on the back of his head gently and as I pulled it away, blood was on my hand too. I looked back towards Conor and managed to get his attention. He looked quickly down to me and I showed him my hand, covered in blood and mouthed 'Jack'.  I could see Conor's face screw up in anger. This wasn't going to end well. For any of us.

"Come on then! Let's get you somewhere safe!" I whispered to Jack and put his arm around my shoulders. I managed to get him to stand up and we walked a few steps before I heard my name.

"Louise..." David said, "I thought you were on my team!" I ignored him and kept walking.

"No one is on your team, David!" Conor shouted, trying to attract his attention but I knew it wasn't going to work.

"Louise! I'm talking to you!" David shouted.

"I AM!" I said without looking back. "But Jack needs some help."

"We all know that!" David laughed and a lot of the crowd laughed too. I felt the anger build up inside me. How could he be so ignorant and rude? Who is this guy? This was not the David I sat next to in detention. I don't want to associate myself with someone like that.

"We've not finished with him yet!" Olly shouted back.

"I don't care. I'm getting him some help." I shouted back but before I could get much further, a huge weight sent me tumbling to the floor. Someone had jumped me. I pushed and shoved and turned round to see David on top of me.

"I said we're not finished. Get back to where you were." He hissed at me, inches from my face.

"I don't care. You're disgusting. I wish I never met you!" I said as I shoved him off me and stood up. Brushing myself off, I looked around for Jack. He was still lying on the floor. I took a step towards him but David put his arm in my way and stopped me walking.

"Get back to your place." He spoke to me like dirt. I held back the urge to punch him.

"No." I narrowed my eyes. "I will not watch this anymore!"

"Fine." David shrugged. "There's the door." He pointed behind me. I started walking towards the door, breathing heavily. He's lucky I didn't hit him in the face! Where are the teachers when you want them? Always around when I start a fight but not here when this is happening!

"NO!" I heard Conor shout and I stopped instantly and turned round. Jack was backed against the wall, David's hand round his neck. I panicked. What do I do? Run to help Jack or help Conor so we can both help Jack? I felt like I was in slow motion as I ran back towards the guys, hesitating and running over in my head which of the plans I had would be better. I want to hit David, but I know Conor would do it for better reason. I ran towards Josh, Frank and Conor and shoulder barged Josh so he let go of Conor's arm and tumbled into the crowd. Conor quickly glanced at me before he got his arm free from Frank's grip and headed towards David, rugby tackling him to the floor. I felt like I was in an action movie, I thought Jason Statham was going to jump out and help me. I'd never had such an exciting time in my life. Before this it was all doom and gloom and just getting in trouble and getting A's in my exams. Now I'm fighting my 'boyfriend' to protect the guy I love. Wow. I do make life complicated sometimes!

"What the hell?" Josh shouted as he stood up and brushed himself down. "What's your problem?" He said, shoving me.

"You're my problem!" I said back, shoving him back. I'm fed up of these stupid fights. "You feel the need to act like a bully but really you're just a no one. I'm here to sort out David and Conor, I'm not here for you guys, so unless you want me to rip into you, just walk!" I hissed. Josh and Frank exchanged glances.

"Well I'd rather not have Conor AND Louise rip into me. So see ya!" Frank said to Josh as he patted him on the shoulder before walking back through the crowd and further away.

"I can't look weak in front of these guys!" Josh said through gritted teeth. Strangely enough, I understood what he was on about. The pressure you get as soon as you become known (for good or bad reasons) is immense. Everyone wants to be you and everyone attempts to become your friend. Everyone follows you around and watches your every move.

"Just say we'll sort this out later." I whispered.

"Look, Louise." Josh said loud enough to attract attention. "I'm not going to take credit for this fight. We have a score to settle on our own. We'll resume our fight another time..." I could see everyone get sucked in by our pretend feud.

"Fine! Just tell me when and where and I'll be there!" Josh winked slyly to me before he walked off. I breathed a sigh of relief before I was again brought out of my thoughts by someone shouting.

"Louise!" I don't know who called my name but I turned round to see Conor over David, hitting him again and again and again. I ran over and was shocked by the sight. David's face was covered in blood. He was barely conscious.

"CONOR!" I screamed as I tried to pull him away from David. "Enough!" Conor shoved me back and continued to punch him. This was Conor's break down. This was what I knew was going to happen. Conor had flipped. "Where's Jack?" I asked and he suddenly froze. He looked up and over to Jack who was lying on the floor. He hadn't moved. I ran over there, barely able to pick my feet. I was falling over my own feet to reach him, but I skidded to my knees in front of him.

"Jack?" I said and I patted his shoulder, but he didn't move. "Jack?" I said a little louder, but still nothing. "Oh shit!" I cried out loud enough to attract Conor's attention. His fist was clenched and his arm up like he was ready to punch David one last time, but I looked at him with tears in my eyes and that arm fell like a dead weight. He slowly got up from the floor and walked over to Jack, kneeling down next to me. "Jack?" I asked one more time, tapping his cheeks. He didn't flinch. He didn't move. At all.

"Someone call an ambulance!"

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