Chapter 28 - Back to Normal?

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Conor’s POV

“Look, all I’m saying is that at one point or another you may need to tell them it was your gang!” Louise looked into my eyes, I could see the fear in her face.

“I can’t! You have no idea what they will do to me!” I looked away from her in frustration. How can she not understand? Look how willing they were to ruin my life in front of my eyes in the park. If I tell the police it was them, they may try and help me but I know somehow they would send someone to come and get me.

“Conor, I get that they’re the gang you have been with your whole life… I get that they mean more to you than me and David, but they’ve questioned you and they’re surely going to question me. I don’t want to lie to the police! I don’t get what would be so wrong with saying it was your gang but you weren’t involved?”

“You can’t say that!” I said as loud as I could whisper and banged my fist on the table.

“Conor. You’ve actually turned up to detention on time?” Josh laughed as he walked in. I ignored him.

“Don’t you see what this could mean?” Louise whispered to me. “We could tell the police it was them and David would still think he could use that against us! We could drop him and when he calls the police, he’d just be confirming what we’d said and they’d arrest them. Your gang would think it was David!” A sly grin appeared on Louise’s face. It sounds like a plan.

“Alright, but when and how are we going to call the police when we’re stuck in detention?” I asked her, trying to keep quiet as I leant slightly to the right to be closer to her table.

“Leave it with me!” She rolled her eyes and smiled at me. I winked at her and then realised I needed to act like everything was normal. I stuck my feet on the desk and put my hands behind my head.

“How comes you’re early today? In more trouble?” Frank asked. The only reply he received from me was a look bad enough to kill. The teacher slowly walked into the room, looking at us and instantly regretting ever agreeing to do this detention.

“If you guys do anything to annoy me, I’m going to flip my lid.” Mr Potter said as he slumped on the chair and put his head in his hands.

“Hangover?” I said, he slowly looked up to me.

“What’s it to you?” He spat. Jheez, I only asked a question!

“Just so I know how much noise to make, sir…” I smirked.

“Sir, is it alright if I go to the toilet?” Louise raised her hand in the air. He rolled his eyes.

“Yes, of course you can!” He tutted. Louise hesitantly got up, her phone in her pocket, and walked quietly out of the room. I threw a dirty look to David. I tried my best not to smirk as I knew the plan was going to start now. I could do or say what I wanted as soon as she got back. She returned shortly afterwards and smirked at me.

“David!” I began, the teacher immediately looked up. “You’ll be pleased to hear my brother is fine! You can’t even beat someone up properly!” I laughed evilly.

“Conor!” I heard Louise say but I didn’t look back to her. I faced David, his face looking unimpressed.

“Your brother will never be fine…” He laughed. I clenched my fists and snarled at him. He got his phone out and put it on the table. “Nuh uh! Remember who I can call!” He smirked. I leant back and kicked the table as hard as I could so the phone slid off onto the floor.

“Oops.” I shrugged.

“Are you stupid?” David stood up so quickly his chair skidded backwards and made that horrible scratching sound across the laminated wood floor. “Do you want to go to jail?” I stood up equally as quickly and squared up to him.

“Do you want to go to a cemetery?” I hissed back. Louise stood up and ran between us.

“Guys! Not now…” She looked over to Mr Potter who was just watching us like we were a soap opera. David bent down to get his phone and I kicked him backwards. He stumbled, fell onto his bum and hit his head against the desk. Louise and I let out a laugh. I’m pretty sure Mr Potter did too…

“Seriously, Maynard, you’re going to get it…” He threatened as he stood up trying to make it look like it didn’t hurt.

“You’ve got nothing against me.” I laughed.

“I’ve got the girl and I’ve got the jail card…” He smirked, looking Louise up and down. She looked at me uncomfortably. I put my hand on Louise’s shoulder and moved her so she stood next to me, where I put my arm around her shoulders.

“You have the girl, eh?” I looked down at Louise’s tiny frame and she smiled comfortingly at me. I leant forward until my lips touched hers and the spark that was there at the hospital came back instantly. My memories of when we said ‘I love you’ and kissed for the first time spun round in my head. She flung her arms round my waist and gripped onto my tightly as we kissed. It was passionate but gentle. We had an audience after all! Before long, David pulled us apart.

“Louise, what the hell?” He shouted at her. She looked away awkwardly.

“Looks like I’m the better man…” I smirked. I could see David’s body tense.

“Ha! She just cheated on you with Conor!” Frank and Josh laughed. “She chose Conor over you!” They teased.

“Shut up!” He spat back. It was clear by now that Mr Potter couldn’t be bothered to even speak, let alone try and break this up, so if a fight was going to happen it may as well happen now!

“Sorry, David…” Louise said, half apologising half smiling. “You’ve just been such an arse recently.” Louise shrugged and wrapped her arm around my waist. “Conor’s a lot nicer than you…”

“That’s it… I’ve had enough!” David got his phone out and called the police. “Hello? Yeah, it was Conor’s gang that did it. They beat us up. Conor’s gang. Ok? Bye.” Hearing him say it made me more nervous but I still had trust in what Louise would have said to them beforehand.  

“You’re unbelievable!” Louise acted, trying to make it look like we were nervous of what could happen. “You promised!” David smirked.

“I said I wouldn’t do it, yeah, but I think you guys have screwed me over enough…” David said, feeling confident.

“Screwed YOU over? You’ve done nothing but fuck it all up for me!” I shouted at David, shoving him in the chest. “The rumours at school, trying to take Louise away from me, the park meeting, hurting my brother… You caused it all yourself!” David laughed.

“Yeah, well, I was only trying to make you jealous! And it worked! You went crazy and drove your bike into a car! I only wanted you to see how happy Louise and I were at the park!” David’s smile suddenly dropped. “I mean…”

“You planned it?” Louise had caught on a little quicker than me. “You planned for us to meet in the park that Conor’s gang were in? You KNEW Conor’s gang were there?” It all seemed to hit me in the face and make sense now. He had been planning it all along. He wanted to meet up with her and show off the fact they were meeting up. He wanted me to see them together and possibly make me think I never had a chance. Instead, he got us all beaten up. Nice job.

“You’re a fool.” I shook my head. “I’m not wasting any more of my time on you… Come on, Louise…” I put my arm round her and we walked to the chairs furthest away from him. Louise sat at the table closest to the wall and I sat on the one to the left of it. I noticed Louise looking down. “Babe, are you alright?”

“He did it on purpose?” She managed to say as her voice cracked. She tried her best to hold back from crying but I could see the tears in her eyes.

“It’s alright. We got out of it alright…” I tried to comfort her.

“He could have got us killed, all to show me off to you? How could he? What a twat! I can’t believe I didn’t think of that. I heard him typing when he asked me. God, I’m such an idiot!” She carried on, grinding herself down.

“Louise!” I said and lifted her head so she looked into my eyes. “It’s fine; the bruises will fade, the scabs will disappear… Just put the memory to the back of your head and it’s all gone. Nothing will be there to remind you.”

“Yes there is, Conor. Scabs go, bruises fade but scars stay exactly where they are…”

So What? (A Conor Maynard Fan/Pop Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now