Chapter 13 - Rumours?

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A/N To apologise for the delay before, i'm uploading two chapters in the same day! I love you guys that much! Back to Conor's POV because i love writing as him! Hope this chapter is alright for you guys!! Happy reading, and remember as always comment, vote, follow me and whatever you'd like to do!! Love you guys so much! xxxx

Conor’s POV

How could he?

I stormed through the crowds of people before I got to my locker, flinging it open so hard it swung back and smacked into the locker next to it, making a loud noise.

“WHAT?” I shouted at all the people now staring in my direction. They quickly looked away. I shoved whatever clothes and books I had in my locker into my backpack and slammed my locker shut again. I know she isn’t mine, but she’s the one person I can trust. If she gains friends at school she’ll be more likely to tell them what I tell her, and that could cause problems! I rushed out onto the field and flung my bag on the bench furthest away from everything and everyone. I just needed to be alone…

“Excuse me…” A meek and mild voice squeaked from behind me. It was a guy’s voice but he sounded really scared. I spun round and saw him standing there, knees shaking. I took a deep breath in and out.

“Are you ok?” I asked as politely as I could.

“I- I- I need t-t-to talk t-to you…” He stuttered. I patted the seat next to me.

“Look,” I said putting a hand on his shoulder. “Take a deep breath in and out, calm down. I’m not going to do anything!” It humoured me a little just how scared he was of me when I didn’t have a clue who he was! He took a big breath in and out and ran his hand through his hair.

“Don’t take this the wrong way, but I got drawn the short straw to tell you this… I didn’t want to come up here and upset you or annoy you or whatever; I just felt you needed to know so my group picked and I got the short straw so please don’t shoot me I’m just the messenger!” He spoke quickly, it took a lot for me to cling onto the words he said but I tried my best.

“What are you talking about annoying or upsetting me?” I kept calm; this poor boy must have been a couple of years younger – Louise’s age – and he was on the brink of a mental breakdown.

“Well I just thought I’d tell you the rumours going around…” He looked around shiftily.

“Rumours?” I questioned. Many things rang through in my head; if any of them involve my brother I’m going to hit someone…

“Yeah… About Louise and David?” He scooted back on the chair so he wasn’t within arm’s length. He was clever to think that but the first person I’m going to hit is David…

“What about them?” I hissed. If this has anything to do with their walk home yesterday…

“Well, I mean it’s only a rumour but it’s spreading like wildfire and we thought it’d be better you heard it from someone before it got to the point everyone but you knew…” He gulped. “Apparently he walked her home yesterday and they shared a kiss at the door but then she realised her mum wasn’t home so she called him to come round and they… Well, you know…” He didn’t finish his sentence, he didn’t need to.

“And what else?” I hurried.

“Well, apparently he only did it for a dare from Josh and Frank and he doesn’t like her at all…” He whispered. He barely wanted to speak to me; he could tell my blood was boiling.

“And why are you telling me this?” I spat. I didn’t mean to, but I was so annoyed.

“Cos I know you and her get along. She’s helped you a lot and I thought you could help her?” He said, sounding unsure of himself.

“Thank you… Thanks for telling me…” I said as I stood up and flung my backpack over my shoulder. Oh David is going to get it now…


I stormed in to the detention to see David and Louise talking to each other, Josh and Frank sitting a few rows away looking eagerly at me as I arrived.

“What the hell is your problem?” I shouted so loud it echoed about five times. All four of them looked straight over to me, Louise looking at me confused. “What’s all this shit I’m hearing?” David looked over to Josh and stood up calmly, looking over to Louise as he walked closer to me.

“Conor, it’s alright! Calm down! What’s the matter?” He said tranquilly as ever.

“This rumour I’m hearing…” I began. David looked like he had a script sorted out in his head, like he knew what I was going to say before I said it. “About you and Louise!” His face dropped and he looked over to Josh.

“What rumour?” Louise stood up and walked over to us.

“You and him.” I nodded over to David. “And what you got up to last night.” David stuttered but nothing came out of his mouth. Louise shot him an evil glare.

“Care to explain yourself?” She asked.

“I didn’t say anything!” He held his hands up.

“Yeah and the part where it was all a dare put out by Josh and Frank and you actually don’t care about her at all?” I narrowed my eyes at him.

“I never said or did any of that!” He protested. He span round to Josh. “You broke the deal!” Frank and Josh walked up to David. We now all stood in a circle in the middle of the hall glaring at each other.

“What deal?” Louise asked, finally breaking the silence. “Can someone please tell me what’s going on before I hit someone?” I smiled a little for the way she handled that.

“Someone came up and told me there was a rumour going around you and David got together after he walked you home but he only walked you home and all that for a dare set up by Josh and Frank and he actually doesn’t care about you!” I shouted in one breath, having to gasp for air afterwards. Louise’s eyes narrowed as she turned and slapped David across the face.

“Why would you say that? You walked with me, I said bye and you left. Nothing happened!” She hissed.

“I didn’t say that!” He protested.

“So someone made it up for you?” She questioned.

“No! I have no idea where it came from! Josh set me up!” He flung a pointed finger in Josh’s direction.

“Woah, don’t bring me into this… I’m just over here to see a fight!” He laughed.

“No, you said you were going to…” David looked over to me. “Josh you know what you said to me…”

“Sorry, I don’t recall talking to you!” He smiled evilly. David’s fists clenched by his side as he turned to Josh.

“You did talk to me.” He said through gritted teeth. “And you made a stupid rumour up to help me…” David swung a punch in Josh’s direction, which collided heavily with his cheekbone, causing Josh to fall into Frank and sending them both tumbling to the floor.

“DAVID!” A voice shouted from the hallway. We all turned to see Mr Gregory. “WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?”

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