Chapter 3

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I wiped down the counter as the last couple walked out, sending me a wave.

"Bye!" I said before the door closed behind them.

As usual, Dean was leaning against the bar, his head resting on his folded arms.

"Dean time to go!" I called. No response.

"Dean come on," I said. Nothing.

Panic flood through my body.

Oh God, what if he died of alcohol poison?

I rushed to his side. His breathing was heavy and peaceful. I relaxed.

He's asleep.

I shook his shoulder gently.

"Dean wake up," I whispered in a calm tone.

"No," he replied.

"You have to go home," I said.

"I wanna go home with you," Dean moaned.

Me? Why would he wanna go home with me? I'm nothing special. I'm average looking and kind of muscular I guess.

Nothing special, right?

"You're doing that thing again," Dean mumbled, his words slurred.

"What thing?" I asked.

"Where you put yourself down. You do it all the time," he responded.

Put myself down? Do I do that? I mean I guess I do sometimes.

"Sometimes? More like all the time," Dean spoke.

God, I need to stop thinking out loud.

"No you don't. It's cute," Dean said. I couldn't help blushing even though I knew his compliment was insincere.

"Aw you're blushing. So cute!" Dean squealed while giggling.

"Why do you think I'm cute?" I asked, sitting on the bar stool beside him.

"Uh have you not looked in the mirror lately? You're sexy as fuck. Your eyes are so dangerous but caring too. I just wanna lick your tattoo. Shall I go on?" He said. "Not to mention those jeans just hug your bum so perfectly."

My blush deepened. Did he really think that about me?

I looked at my butt in my jeans. They were kinda tight but Seth said I should start wearing things like this. So that I look more young.

"Uh I think you should-"

A snore interrupted me.

He's asleep. Again.

I decided to just take him back to my apartment and sending him away tomorrow.

I finished cleaning and turned off the lights. I picked Dean up and put him over my shoulder.

"What a great view," he murmured on a sleepy tone.

I shook my head and walked out the door.

After placing Dean on a bench I put outside for smokers, I locked the door up tight. Then I grabbed Dean and walked to my car. I noticed that it was the only one in the parking lot.

How did he get here? Probably caught the bus or something.

I pushed the unlock button on my keys and put Dean's unconscious body in the passenger seat.

As I started driving, I thought about different things.

Dean, pizza, Dean, squirrel condoms.

"Ah fuck right there Roman," Dean yelled out in his sleep.

I felt my already tight jeans tighten in the crotch.

Oh boy this will be a long night.

Heyy. So I updated like a good person. You're welcome. Lol jkjk. But I do hope you enjoyed this.
Love y'all,

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