Chapter 21

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"AND I WAS LIKE BABY BABY BABY OHHH. LIKE BABY BABY BABY OHHH!" I yelled as I danced with the girls. Mya and JoJo sang along to the music blasting through the Bluetooth speaker.

Roman quickly came into the room to glare at me. I gave him a coy smile before singing even louder. The girls followed in suit as Roman covered his ears. Dean looked at us then at Roman before he began screaming and dancing too. Roman gave in and joined us as we blasted Justin Bieber on the speaker.

After an hour or two, we turned the music off and sat on the couch. JoJo and Mya whispered to themselves, Dean and Roman cuddled, and I watched TV. The struggle of being alone I guess.

I watched the movie. It was about this lady who loved sex and it had my friend John in it. It wasn't really appropriate for the girls but they weren't watching it anyway.

"I love you," I heard Dean whisper to Roman.

"I love you more!" Roman squealed. They then began having the "No I love you more!" fight. I rolled my eyes but couldn't help the envy bubbling up inside me.

Why couldn't I find someone? I thought it would be Brock. But he's into bondage and that's a no no for Sethie.

Then Bray. But he wanted wanted me to lick his beard but I saw the crumbs in there. Uh no thanks.

Then Erick. I should've known he'd be trouble. No sane person has Yo Gabba Gabba bed sheets.

Oh and we can't forget Rusev. The Bulgarian Butt-hole. With a dick his size, you'd think it's a Tic Tac.

You all know Sheamus. He swore to me he'd leave his wife. But he's been saying that for years and at this point I think we all know he won't. Even Joelle. Probably Mya too.

Finally, Wade. I really like him. But we hooked up once and he never called. Which is a huge self esteem killer by the way.

Love just wasn't for me. I mean who could love a two toned weirdo with too much sass and opens his legs for anyone who flashes him a smile? Nobody in their right mind.

As I went over these thoughts in my mind, I heard sirens outside. Everyone exchanged looks before Dean went to open the door. Roman and I followed.

"Are you Dean Ambrose?" The male officer asked. Dean nodded and the female officer put handcuffs on him.

"You're under arrest for the rape of Renée Young and Galina Reigns," she said as she yanked him out of the house. Roman's eyes were wide as we watched them put him into the car.

What the fuck.

OMG I have no idea where I got that idea from but I like it! If you can guess the movie you get a dedication! This chappie is dedicated to @xXNenexX bc your comments give me life. Hope you enjoyed.
Love y'all,

P.S. I know I said I was going to write the Barrollins book after I finished this one but I have a really good idea for a Rolleigns book. I need a cowriter so let me know if you're interested❤️

The Bartender & The DrunkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora