Chapter 16

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I had a tea party with the girls  as Roman dealt with the bitch. She reminded me so much of Renée. Same controlling, bitchy nature. Same way of throwing indirect insults. It's like they are related.

It got quiet downstairs before the loud slamming of the door.

"Tea?" JoJo asked pouring some in t plastic cup anyway. She had assured me the tea was only water and bubbles like last time (which made me concerned about whoever drank the tea last time).

She put a small brownie on my plate before she wrapped a feather boa around her petite neck. Mya raised her glass and stuck out her pinkie. Joelle did the same so I followed in suit. My fingers were a little to big to fit in the hole so I had to pinch it instead.

"A toast. To being awesome," JoJo said. We toasted and sipped. The beverage didnt taste like water. It tasted like Sprite.

"Joelle, is this soda?" I asked looking at her. She batted her eyelashes at me innocently.

"No..." she said.

"Daddy you're imagining things again! Do I need to call Dr. Sandow?" Mya asked giving me a stern look. She was referring to the man who took care of me when I went insane. It was kind of like a midlife crisis. I'm better now. But then, I was psychotic. They called me the "Lunatic Fringe". Bizarre right?

Apparently, I thought I was WWE superstar Jonathan Good and I would go around doing his finishing move "Dirty Deeds" to random people. Crazy thing is, I've never fought anyone before in my life.

"No need to call Damien dear. Drink your tea," I said biting the brownie. Mya smirked and winked at Joelle who sent one right back.

I began fearing for my life as they traded looks.

"Dean, may I speak to you?" Roman asked poking his head in the room.

Thank god.

I got up and excused myself from the table. I joined Roman out in the hallway.

"Are you okay?" I asked him. He looked stressed but somehow still gorgeous as fuck. Lucky bastard.

"I'm just tired is all. Galina knows exactly which buttons to push when she doesn't get her way," he said.

"Sounds like Renée," I replied.

"From what you've told me, I can see the similarities," Roman agreed nodding his head.

"We have horrible tastes in who we love," I snorted. Roman looked me in the eye, his grey ones peering into my soul.

"Well not this time," he said leaning in.

Hey! I'm sorry I'm a bitch. I've been so busy with Christmas I've missed my time to update. But I'm trying really! Um merry Christmas to those who celebrate. Happy holidays to those who don't.
Love y'all,

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