Chapter 19

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I noticed Dean was quiet. He looked sad.

"Deanie what's wrong?" I asked looking at him. He sighed not making eye contact.

"Nothing Roman. I'm fine," Dean said giving me a fake smile. Yes, yes you are.

"No you're not. You're quiet and you seem down. Come on just tell me what's wrong!" I pouted giving him my puppy dog face. He glanced at me before sighing.

"It was a mistake," he said simply before getting up and walking out of the kitchen. I heard the front door close behind him.

"What did you do?" Seth asked looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

I shrugged and replayed Dean's words in my mind.

It was a mistake. It was a mistake. It was a mistake. It was a-fuck.

"Shit," I whispered. Mya and Joelle glanced at me curiously before continuing to eat breakfast.

"Girls why don't you take your breakfast upstairs?" Seth said. They picked up their plates and went upstairs. After making sure they couldn't hear a thing, Seth said, "Alright Roman what the fuck?"

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.

"I fucked things up with Dean," I said looking at him. He tilted his head.


"Because we had sex last night and it was amazing. But I didn't want him to feel like he was forced into so I said it was a mistake and-"

"Stop right there! You never tell a bottom it was a mistake! God, you should know better Roman!"

"I know! But I just didn't know what to say! I'm such an idiot!" I put my head down on the table. Seth sat beside me and patted my back gently.

"Look Roman you have to fix this," Seth commanded. I nodded in agreement. I hurried outside to find Dean sitting on the porch swing, tears running down his face as he sniffles occasionally. I sat beside him, pulling him in to my arms. He let me surprisingly and I wiped his tears.

"I'm sorry," I whispered into his ear. He didn't say anything but I knew he'd heard me. I rocked him back and forth gently. He began to doze off.

"I love you. Remember that mi amour," I whispered when he was asleep knowing he couldn't hear me. I kissed his forehead as I held him to my heart. Forever and always.

Guys I'm so sorry. I started school again after break last Monday so I was super lazy last week. But I'm back babies! Oh! My birthday is Wednesday! The 13th! I'm so excited. I need a new phone omg. But anywhore, hope you enjoyed.
Love y'all,

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