Chapter 15

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"Who is this?" was the first thing that came from her mouth. Her tone was harsh and menacing. Dean winced slightly, his body tensing.

"My friend Dean," I said shrugging. Friend.

"I've never heard of him before," Galina snapped.

Friend. Friend! How could I call him a friend he's more than that to me?

"We've recently become acquainted...?" Dean replied although it came out like a question.

"I wasn't talking to you!" Galina hissed at him. He flinched holding Mya tighter and I noticed him eyeing the escape route.

Joelle had woken up from her nap and looked at Mya, her eyes lighting up at the sight of her best friend.

"I'll take the girls upstairs," Dean mumbled. Joelle ran over to him and they went upstairs.

"How could you let a strange man take our daughter to a room alone?!" Galina demanded not even trying to be quiet.

"Shut up! Shut up! God you're voice is making my ears bleed!" I yelled at her.

"Don't you date raise your voice at me! Do you know who I am! I can make sure you never see Joelle-!"

"If you even try to take my daughter away from me, I swear there will be hell to pay. Believe that," I interrupted in a low tone. I could see the fear growing in her eyes.

"Is that a threat?" She said trying to sound threatening but her voice wavered.

"No. That's a promise."

Galina's jaw dropped as she stared at me for the first time in 2 months.

Since then I had beefed up. I stopped being a big softy who caved at the first sign of anger.

"Do you know who I am? I'm Galina Reigns!"

"No you were Galina Reigns."

Galina huffed before scurrying out of my house.


Hey guys! I know this is short but it's character ask time. Next chappie will be it so get excited. Yes I'll publish it tonight as depending on the number of questions it may be finished by Thursday.
Love y'all,

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