Chapter 22

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I was shocked to say the least.

Dean? Raping someone? That's impossible...right?

"Roman calm down before your head explodes!" Seth said bringing me out of my thoughts. I looked up at him.

"You don't think he actually did that, do you?" I asked with uncertainty. Seth's eyes widened.

"What? No! Roman his accusers are his ex and your ex. You don't think that suspicious?" He said. I thought about it. He isn't wrong.

"Yeah I just...I mean I don't know," I said sighing. Seth rolled his eyes at me and grabbed his car keys.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"To get Dean," he responded simply. I rushed after him and tackled him to the ground.

"No! I'm going! You watch the girls!" I yelled grabbing his car keys. Before he could argue, I ran out of the house.

"Fucker!" He yelled. I flipped him off before getting in his car. I drove to the nearest police station. The lady who arrested Dean was sitting at a desk.

"Where's Dean?!" I asked. She looked at me in shock.

"You mean Dean Ambrose?" She asked. I give her the no shit face and she rolled her eyes.

"He's in questioning. I'm Detective Olivia Benson," she said sticking her hand out. I shook it.

"Well why was he arrested?" I asked like I didn't already know.

"Two women pointed him out for rape," Olivia explained. Galina & Renée.

"This has to be a mistake," I said looking her in the eye.

"No mistake. His semen was in both victims."

How could this be? Dean couldn't have raped them but he wouldn't have cheated either. Dean's not like that.

"Is there anyway that they could've put the semen inside themselves?" I asked hopefully.

"There's a possibility but the women said they had never met him before. Why?" Olivia said.

"Because Dean's ex Renée Young and my ex Galina Reigns both hate us and I was wondering if they could've been the ones to accuse him."

Olivia's eyes widened and she started writing down what I was saying. Hurriedly, she stood up and rushed away.

What was that about?

The man who arrested Dean walked over to me.

"Hello. I'm Detective Elliott Stabler," he introduced as he sat on the corner of Olivia's desk.

"I'm Roman. Roman Reigns."

"Nice to meet you Roman."

"Likewise. When are you going to let Dean go?"

"Well, he's being charged for rape so it might be a while."

"But he didn't rape them!" I felt exasperated. What was it going to take for them to believe me?

"And how do you know that?" Elliott asked staring me down. He was quite intimidating with his bulging muscles and challenging blue eyes.

"Because he's gay and I'm his boyfriend!"

I hope you enjoy. This chappie is dedicated to @lucydelreycrane for guessing the movie last chapter. Dedication to whoever can guess the show Olivia & Elliott are from. Um I have a cowriter! Raina and I are working hard on the Rolleigns book. No spoilers tho! Speaking of Raina and I, we had a debate over who was cuter. I said Deanie. She said Sethie. Who do you think? (It's Dean) lol.
Love y'all,

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