Chapter 14

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The kiss I shared with Roman stayed on my mind my whole walk home. He's such a good kisser, it's crazy. And he's also a good person. I mean he's been nothing but kind to me even though he's seen me when I'm drunk off my ass.

I walked down the dirt driveway to my trailer. I walked inside to find Mya fast asleep on the couch, cuddling her doll. I picked her up and was about to take her to her bedroom when I heard it.

The gunshot.

Fear pulsed trough my veins as I listened.

Another one.

I hurried into the bedroom and grabbed Mya's blanket. I wrapped it around her and pulled out my phone. I dialled the only number in the device.

"Hello?" Roman's sleepy voice said.

"Roman?" I whispered as I heard another gunshot ring out in the evening air.

"Dean?! Are you okay?! What is that?!" Roman asked the sleep in his voice becoming concern.

"A gun. Can you come pick up me and Mya?" I asked still whispering as I put Mya's shoes on her. She moved a little but remained asleep.

"Of course!" Roman said. I told him my address and we hung up. I held Mya close to me rocking her gently.

There was a honking outside about 20 minutes later. I ran out of the trailer and got into the escalade. Roman had his hair in a bun and he was wearing glasses. He had a long sleeve thermal covering his tattooed arm and sweatpants covering his strong legs.

"Hey thanks for coming," I said still holding Mya.

"No problem. I'm glad you trust me enough to be able to call me when you're in trouble," Roman said giving me his cute smile that made my knees weaken.

Good thing I'm sitting.

"So I hope you don't get offended by this but why do you live where you do? I've seen trailers in much nicer neighbourhoods that are child friendly. So why here?" Roman asked. It was true. There were plenty of better trailers in different parts of the city and Farnham Stars Park wasn't one of them.

"Because when you're a single father with a low paying job and bills to pay you tend to have to save money," I said. I didn't mean for it to come out as rude as it did.

"True..." he trailed off, blushing filling his cheeks.

"So where's JoJo?" I asked changing the subject.

"Her mom is watching her until I get back," Roman explained.

"Oh yeah. Joelle mentioned you guys weren't together anymore," I said.

"Yeah we divorced earlier this year. Her name is Galina," Ro said answering the unasked question floating around in my head.

"If you don't mind me asking, why'd you divorce?" I asked him.

"We just didn't click anymore. She thought I was cheating and I wasn't. Things weren't the same."

I nodded not thinking of anything else to say. I wanted to bring up the kiss but figured now wasn't the right time.

Later Dean later.

We pulled into Roman's driveway and got out. Mya was beginning to wake up but was still sleepy. I carried her inside the house while I followed Roman. We walked into the living room and that was when I met the former Mrs. Reigns.

Hey! Sorry this is a little late. My band had a performance today. So anyway. The character ask is after the next chapter. Hope you're excited. I am!
Love y'all,

P.S. Sorry for any mistakes. I typed this quickly and I'm too tired to edit it. I'll edit it tomorrow maybe.

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