Chapter 26

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Kimberley's POV

The cold metal of the bat sends chills up my spine as it comes in contact with my skin. I creep into the kitchen, scoping out the entire room. Not finding anyone or anything, I move onto the living room. Before I could do any further "investigating", I hear a faint cry come from the other side of the house.

In hopes of it being Harmony, I bolt. I run through the hallway and enter the makeshift studio the boys had setup. There I find an unfamiliar brunette boy standing in the middle of the room, Harmony in his arms.

"Listen, I don't know who you are or what the hell you want from us but, just put the baby down." I say, my heart beating at a million miles per hour.

"And what if I don't?" He smirks.

I laugh at the boy and cross my arms over my chest, "Oh hun, my friend called the police ten minutes ago. They should be here within the next 5 minutes. "

His eyes widen and Harmony is immediately being placed on the floor. The mysterious boy takes off towards the front of the house, attempting to escape. Halfway through the hallway, I grab onto the back of his shirt making him stop.

I smile to myself, proud that I could stop him. The moment suddenly turns to the worse when the boy breaks loose of my grip and pushes me backwards causing me to tumble down the stairs into the basement.

I feel pain in every part of my body and then an excruciating  blow to the head. My whole body falls numb. My chest steadily rose and fell. Before everything turns to black, I could feel a thick, warm substance beginning to roll down my right leg.

The babies...

Shaylee's POV

It was now about five o'clock in the morning and I had yet to see my brother. They last thing I heard was that he would have to get surgery and possibly a blood transfusion. Light snores coming from Michael and Ashton filled the waiting room. Calum, who had me wrapped in his arms, was struggling to stay awake.

"Babe, you can go to sleep if you want." I whisper to Calum.

He yawns and mumbles, "Okay, I love you."

I smile and place a kiss on his forehead, "I love you too."

I watch as his eyes slowly shut and he's now asleep.

I couldn't help but think the same person that put an end to my parents did this to Luke. I wouldn't be surprised if that's who did it. The only question was, who did it? Who committed both of these horrible crimes?

Then I remember; back when my parents were killed, I told the officer about a boy who went by the name Sean. I remember telling him about how close him, Michael, Luke, and I all were. Then he just stopped talking to us. We had lost all contact with him.

"Miss. Hemmings, may I have a quick word with you?" Someone asks, ripping me from my thoughts.

"Uh, yeah. Sure." I mumble. Officer Matthews had been standing in front of me for who knows how long. He helps me up from my seat in Calum's lap and takes me into another room. I silently pray in my head that he hadn't come to tell me that Luke had died or that he might never recover.

As we enter the room, he closes it behind him and I'm introduced to two other officer. Although, these officers were FBI agents.

"Hi, Miss Hemmings. I'm agent Alisson Fox and this is my partner Gregory Lee. We will be working on your parents case as well as trying to figure out who shot your brother." She explains to me. "Now, before we start questioning you, do you have an idea of anyone it could possibly be?"

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