Chapter 54

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Lionel glares at Diana. He knows she's very upfront and honest about everything. But he also knows that she's in love with the young girl so he doesn't understand why she's hurting her so bad.

"So you don't have any plans on having kids.. Like ever?" Cristiano asks her

"I mean.. I could adopt if I ever feel like it's time.. " Diana says

"Why adopt?"

"Well.. Umm.. As of now.. Currently... I'm in love with a girl... So yeah.. If she wanted to.. We'd adopt.. Or .. I'm not sure what she'd like to do."

She's playing with her fingers and Lionel has never seen her this nervous. Cristiano gives her a smile and continues their conversation unfazed.

The two seem to be the only ones deep in conversation. Everyone else just listens and put in a few things when they feel the need to. The night ends like that.


"So when were you planning to tell me?"

"I didn't know how to.. I just.. I was scared that I'd lose you.. Or that you wouldn't want to go with me.. I'm sorry."'

"You know I'd go anywhere with you."

Diana smiles before their lips meet for the first time in a very long time.

"I'm so tired," Neymar groans

"Go to bed.. I'll be there soon," Leo says

"Don't take too long!"

Neymar opens the door and gasps. His eyes begin to water.


"I love you so much Ney... And I want this to be eternal.."

"Oh my god. Oh.. Oh my god. Are you serious?"

"As serious as I can be.. I love you.. And I would want nothing more than to call you mine.. Forever.. So.. Will you marry me?"

"Yes! A million times yes!!"

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