Chapter 11

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Cristiano and Irina broke up. But it doesn't give me any hope. I met a nice girl. But for some reason I feel like I'm betraying Cristiano. How can I give my loyalty to him when he's not willing to do the same thing for me?

"Don't think too much my little Colombiano," I heard Marcelo's voice

"Can't help it.." I sighed

"I saw the pictures.. "

I turned my head. He gave this look that scared me. I waited for the words to come out of his mouth. Those words that would make my heart stop.

"And so did Cristiano,"

And there they were. His words sent shivers down my spine. Cristiano had shown me just how possessive he could get. I looked down at my feet. Cristiano had seen them. He had probably heard it somewhere too.

"That's why you don't go for those pretty famous girls who's lives revolve around the cameras.." He finished

"I'm sorry,"

"It's not me who you should be apologizing to," he said

"But I shouldn't apologize to him either!! I'm not his property! He can't tell me what to do!!" I hissed

"Can't i?"

His voice was cold. It had no emotion. Maybe a little bit of annoyance. I didn't want to look at him. Marcelo began to walk away. And Cristiano walked closer.


"Shut up! James just shut up.. I don't want to do something reckless in plain sight," he hissed

"I'm sorry," I vowed my head.

I wanted to look at anything else but him

"I want to strangle you so bad.. It's like you have yet to understand who you belong to!"

His grip on my hand was hard and tight. I felt this aching and numbing feeling. But his cologne was still so intoxicating.

"C-Cris, you're hurting me," I whimpered

"I don't care! Just go! Go! I don't want to see your face!!" He hissed

I nodded and walked away. He didn't want me to train with them. He humiliated me. He pushed me away and made me feel helpless. But I told myself that it was only because he was mad.

"Hey!!" She smiled at me

"Hey," I said exhausted

"Tough day huh?" She sat down beside me

"You wouldn't believe.."

"C'mon.. Let's watch Teen Wolf.. It'll make you feel better!" She said happily

"What the heck is teen wolf?" I asked

"Boys.. I swear.. Fine.. Sponge bob?"

"Yes please,"

She laughed. Her curly long hair fell perfectly down her petite body. She's a very gorgeous girl. So lovely.

"Thank you for coming.. Like gosh.. How was your flight?" I asked

"It was.. Boring.. I'm glad you invited me.. I need some time away from all this drama," she said sighing

"Ex stuff?"


"That's what you get for dating Mr. Swaggy," I laughed

"Oh hush it. Justin is a mistake I will never make again.. Ever." She said as she switched the channels over and over

"Let's hope not," I smirked

"I know Better now," she said

She's so carefree. Like the world is on pause and she can do whatever she wants without having to worry. But she looks so sad at times. Like all of this is weighing her down. So young, so careless, but so careful.

"Let's do something stupid," I said

"Like what?" She asked eagerly

The water was cold. She looked small from up there. The sun was still up but it had this orangy feel to it. It was beautiful.

"Jump!!" I screamed

She jumped.

"Holy shit! It's cold!" She said

"But it feels good!"

I don't know how it happened. Or when it happened. We didn't hear the cars down the road anymore. We didn't hear some of them stop when they saw us. We didn't hear the cameras. All I could think of was her lips. Of how perfect they felt against mine.

But when we opened our eyes. We turned to see cars parked around. I didn't think that anyone would think to come here. She smiled at the cameras. She was perfect. I smiled too. We signed autographs.

"I'm sorry.. I didn't Know.."

"It's okay.. It was still so much fun!" She said drying herself

She would be staying for a couple of weeks. Maybe we'd do more crazy things later on.


When I woke up I heard the tv. We had fallen asleep on the couch last night. She was intensely looking at the tv. I turned my head and widened as our pictures were on full display on the screen.

"It seems that James Rodriguez knows just what Selena Gomez likes!! The couple has been spotted in public a couple of times before but not like this!

Neither of them have spoken about this yet but we hope that something beautiful comes from this.. I mean.. Look at just how cute they are!!"

The woman was annoying. Her voice was too high and too teenager like. Selena didn't seem to mind. Maybe she's into it.

My thoughts wandered of to Cristiano. And I felt my breath hitch. Cristiano.. He's gonna kill me.




Cristiano don't want James to be with anyone else but him. Poor cris.. He gets jelly..

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