Chapter 17

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James sat quietly. Antoine and Oliver sat beside each other, giving each other looks that James has grown to despise. Antoine caught him staring and he smiled at him warmly. James smiled back. Antoine got up and eyed him. James understood and got up. Cristiano noticed and glared at Antoine. Oliver coughed, letting him know that he had seen it.

"When are you gonna leave Oliver?" Cristiano asked as nicely as he could

"In about a week or so.. Why? Getting tired of me Already?" Oliver laughs

"No. Of course not.. I'm just asking.. Antoine seems to be very attached to you,"

"Yeah. He's the cutest thing ever." Oliver blushed

"Hmm.. He really is cute." Cristiano smiled

Oliver's smile faded. He looked more intrigued in Cristiano now. Benzema shifted uncomfortably.

"You think?"

"Oh yes.. He has amazing eyes. He looks so sweet.. I can't help but wonder what noises he makes duri-"

"I think you want to shut up now." Oliver growls

"What? Getting angry now are we? Antoine isn't yours."

"Oh but he is! So stay the fuck away.."

"What? You're scared that I might just steal your man.." Cristiano laughed

"Listen to me, lay a finger on Antoine and I will kill you."

"Getting a little too angry aren't we? Don't threaten me." Cristiano hissed with gritted teeth

"I'm not scared of you,"

"You should be."


"Do you like Cristiano?" Antoine asked

James blushed. He nodded as he looked down.

"That's cute. He seems to really like you too! He's just.."

"Scary? Yeah, I know."

Antoine gave him a sad smile. He knew that it was Cristiano the one who was hurting James. He wanted to help James, but he didn't know how to do that.

"He hits you... Right?"

"I think-"

"I won't say anything.. I know that he does.. James.. You can't let him.."

"But I have to.. You don't understand. I'm so scared to lose him. He's everything to me. He's all that I have.. All that I need. He makes me feel like no one else can. I can't give that up."

"James.. If he's bad for you then you should.. Don't allow him to do this to you. What if one day he really does hurt you?"

"I don't know.. I love him. It's so hard. It's like, I know I should let it go. Let him go. I know he's bad for me. But he's my addiction. He's this addiction and every single time I see him I can't give it up. He promises that he will not do it again. But we both know that he will. And he will keep on doing it until the day he finally kills me. "

"But I'd rather die by his hand than not feel him beside me during those cold nights. Sometimes I feel like maybe he'll change. Maybe he'll grow kinder and sweeter. But he's the thorns of a rose. He makes me bleed but, he's so beautiful, I will always fall back. He's stuck inside of me. I belong to him. Yet at the same time I wish I didn't. But I like it.. I like being one of his belongings.. I like being his po-"

"Antoine!" Oliver said

"Huh? What's up?"

"We're leaving."

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