Chapter 33

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Cristiano brushes his lips against James'. Little by little, James has been healing. His eyes are still a little dull but they're alive. And that's all that matters.

"Cmon, let's go out!" Cristiano says

"Fine, but only for a while because I'm a little tired,"

The pills that James has to take always make him a little sleepy. He sleeps most of the day but he will soon be back to normal.

"Can you buy me ice cream?"

"Of course."

Cristiano and James enjoy a nice day out. The sun is shinning and it's a warm day.


"Be happy young one.. Love will come your way soon," Leo chimes

"Oliver is so so so far away," antoine groans

"But he comes to see you, doesn't he?" Neymar asks

"Yes. But only when knows that he can stay for over a week, which is almost never."

"Don't worry. You'll see him soon,"

"International break," Antoine says Dreamingly

"Exactly," neymar smiles

"That means you and I don't see each other," Leo says

"Dude.. You two live together.. I need this," Antoine says

"Sorry," Leo pouts

"Is James feeling better?" Antoine asked

"Why do you ask us?" Neymar asked

"I don't know.. I haven't really heard of him.."

"He's fine. Cristiano is taking care of him," Leo says

Neymar gives him a look. Since when do he and Cristiano hang out. Leo notices and shrugs.

"I saw it," he says


"That's great. He's been down lately," Antoine says with a sad expression

"He'll be fine. Cristiano will take good care of him." Messi smiles

Antoine likes the reassurance. He needs it and Messi knows. Neymar and Leo will try to be there for him. They can almost see him breaking already. Leo knows what he needs to do. But it's going to be a little hard.

"Stay with us.. You have a few days off right?" He asks

"Yeah," he smiles

"Yay! Let's go watch some movies!" Neymar says pulling him away from the kitchen

Antoine left his phone there. Perfect. It's unlocked. God is so good to leo. He finds the number that he's looking for and immediately adds it to his phone.

"I'm gonna go food shopping. You guys want something?" Leo asks

"Totinos Pizza Rolls!!" Neymar calls out

"Ice cream !" Antoine says

And they continue on until Leo gets tired and slams the door. He sighs and starts walking towards his car.

Once he's getting the things, he decides to call Oliver.
"Hello?" Someone says

Leo isn't sure If this is the man. He's never really heard Oliver speak.

"H-hello.. Is this Oliver?" He asks a little nervous

"Yes.. Who is this. Wait... Lionel Messi?"

"Ah, yes. I need to talk to you.. It's very important," Leo says

"Hit me,"

"What's your relationship with Antoine Gri-"

"Whats wrong with him?? What happened !?! Is he okay!?! Answer me!"

"Calm down. Yes.. He's okay. But he's not. He needs you. He doesn't know that I'm contacting you. Please look out for him. I feel like he's going through a lot and he doesn't really want to tell anyone. He's staying with us for a few days since he has them off. "

"Is he drinking? Did he do something really bad?"

"I'm not sure. But I have a feeling that he's gaining a really bad habit," Leo says

"Okay. Keep me updated with anything that happens to him please. I'll try my hardest to go see him as soon as I can,"

Leo talks to him for a a few more minutes before he hangs up. He has everything he needs and decides to go to check out.

Once he gets home he calls the guys to come help him. Antoine and Neymar eagerly come out to help him. Well, only with the things they wanted. Leo needs to take in the rest. When he finally comes into the kitchen, they're eating the ice cream while microwaving the pizza.

"Hungry lions," he groans


The next day, Leo decides to seek out Cristiano. It was easy to get him to come and see him. They had nothing against each other and they enjoyed the company.

"How's James? Antoine is worried,"

"He's getting better. Tell Antoine not to worry. "

"Thanks," Leo smiles

"How're you and Neymar?" Cristiano asks

"We're good.. You and James? You guys alright now?" Messi blushes

"Yeah.. I'm getting him back little by little.. I just.. I'm aggressive,"

"Hey, it's okay. Just count, it helps. Aggression comes from anger. Just stay calm and count,"

"You think it'll help?"

"Of course. Try not to hurt that boy anymore, Cris. He can only take so much."

"Yeah I know. But it's something that I just can't control at times. I hate it."

"You'll be okay. I'll help you if you want me to,"

"Thanks leo. You're the best man."

It didn't take long for fans to recognize them and start asking for pictures and autographs. They didn't deny the fans of the pleasures though. And it was even better since they were both there, together.

Fans got to take pictures with the both of them. It was a nice afternoon for everyone.

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