Chapter 23

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Yas 3k+ guys!! I will try to make this long okay? Cause ily all ima update twice today.




"W-what?" Neymar asked

He felt himself fall. Everything around him was collapsing. And it was all because of Messi. Messi. Messi. Ever since they met, Messi has been Neymar's reason for everything.

"Leo, that's neymar? The man you can't live without.. You two-"

"Neymar? I don't remember him," Messi said a little sad

"It's okay.. Umm.. We're just.. A good duo,"

"The best!" Luis jumped in

They all noticed Neymar's sad puppy eyes and began to talk about everything those two did together.

"You cried when Neymar was gonna leave.. That's the reason why-"

"Okay... No need for that Marc," pique hissed

"No.. I wanna know.. What happened?"

"Leo.. It's not time.. Not yet," pique said

Messi nodded. He stared at Neymar with these warm and loving eyes that made Neymar flush. Messi liked the instant effect that he was having on this Neymar character. Neymar fiddled with his fingers, Messi noticed. And for some reason he really likes it.

"Well.. We should eat some cake.. " Luis says

"Yay!!" Xavi screams

"Don't touch the ice cream cake!!" Marc says as he runs with the rest to the kitchen

Messi notices the way pique is looking at marc. Actually, those two have been looking at each other weirdly lately.

"Marc is pretty," Messi says

Both Neymar and pique turn to look at him. Messi blushes as he gains the attention of the two.

"I didn't know you were dating him, pique"

Pique's eyes widened. He's looking at Messi with this shocked expression that makes Messi want to leave.


"You two are looking at each other like some weird love birds.."

"Shut up!" Pique groans as he blushes

"So cute," Messi laughs

He and Neymar stare at each other and smile. Messi has come to the conclusion that Neymar makes him happy. He needs to remember. He needs to remember Neymar. He seems to be too important to be forgotten.


When Messi says that, Neymar looks very hopeful. He looks over at the other man and smiles


"Can we.. Walk..."


They walk out of the house. It's nice and dark outside. Neymar wants to hold his hand. Messi has the urge to do that too but stops himself.

"What are you to me?"


"You.. You make me feel weird.. Even though I can't really remember you. I know.. I know that you mean something to me.. You're a huge part in my life.. What did you mean to me? What do you mean to me? What was Marc even talking about?"

Messi has far too many questions. Neymar wants to answer but he really can't. He doesn't even know how to. They're called back inside far too soon.


Days pass. So much time passes that Neymar grows more worried when Messi begins to fully recover but yet doesn't remember Neymar. Messi likes neymar, neymar makes him feel good. But he doesn't understand it. He needs answers. And no one seems to be willing to tell him anything. What are they all hiding? Why does Neymar look so sad all the time? Messi doesn't like that.




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