Chapter 27

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"Leo!" Neymar calls out

"In the kitchen!" Leo calls out

Leo smiles at him but it soon disappears. His doctor is standing by the door. He forces a smile into his face and greets him.

"Leo, don't worry. We simply need to talk about some check ups we still need to do on your body,"


Neymar chooses to leave them alone. The doctor is kind and gives Lionel a couple of dates in which he needs to go see him. The doctor does not stay for long. Soon it's only Leo and Neymar in his house.

"You should just move in with me," Leo laughs

"True.. I'm here all of the time anyway,"

"Then... Move in with me," Leo says

He's much more serious this time. Neymar looks at him with a serious face. He's suddenly smiling and blushing like crazy.

"Leo.. Are you sure ?"

"I'm positive. Let's spend our days together," Leo laughs

"Leo!" Neymar groans

"I want you to move in with me,"

"Okay," Neymar breathes out

They kiss. And the kiss leads into a lot
more. Sadly, they're interrupted.

"Woah there!" Marc says

"Who said you could come over?" Leo smiles at him

" I was bored.. And the door was open dude.."

"Stupid doctors.."

"Leo," Neymar warns


"Marc.. Are you alone?"

"Marc! Did you see Leo's pool ?! I'm
gonna jump- oh... Hi Leo,"

"You're gonna what?"

"Jump in joy..... Because your pool is... Pretty,"

Lionel rolls his eyes playfully. Neymar gets up from the kitchen table and grabs a cup.

"Leo.. Are you and Neymar living together?" Marc asks

"We will be really soon," Leo says

"Aww that's so cute! Is neymar going to live here?"


"Leo.. What are people going to think?" Pique asks

"That Neymar is living with me.. There's nothing wrong with that,"

"I just don't want you guys to get in trouble," pique sighs

"We won't so don't worry," Leo smiles

Neymar doesn't say anything. Marc decides to go watch a movie in the living room and Neymar decides to go with him. Pique and Leo stay to talk.

"James!" Antoine calls out


Antoine hugs him tightly. James is smiling at him. But Antoine sees the way he's walking and how his body doesn't fully cover some love bites.

"Have you been.."

"It was one time.. The last time,"

"James.. You always seem to go back to him.. It's not good if he's still hurting you,"

"Don't worry about me," James smiles

"I can't help but worry. Cristiano isn't treating you well. That's not good. "

"I've left him,"

"Are you sure about that?" Antoine asks

"Yeah.. Now.. How are you and Oliver doing?"

"Good, he'll visit again soon," Antoine blushes

"That's good,"

They have small talks about silly things. James likes Antoine's company. He really does.

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