Chapter 32

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Cristiano's POV

He looked really tired. He's been sleeping a lot lately. The doctor says that it's good because it calms him down and he needs to rest a lot. But he looks so uneasy. Yet he looks so peaceful. I wonder about what you're thinking James. Are you thinking about me?

He slowly opens his eyes and I smile down at him. It takes him a while to realize where he is. He smiles up at me. It's warm and almost loving.

"I haven't seen Irina around," he says

"She's gone," I say quietly


"She deserves better,"


"You deserve better too. But I just.. I can't let you go."

He looks up at me with a lost glance. Maybe it's not a good thing that I'm so addicted to him.

"I need my pills," he finally says

"Right. I'll go get them."

"Cris... Get me some food too yeah?"


I'm happy he's asking for food. He barely eats and that scares me. He needs to stay healthy. He's getting better so that's good.

"Here," I say

"You know.. I think I'm just gonna stop all of this," he breathes out


"This.. Real.. I don't know if I want to stop playing football all at once but I think that being in this club is only gonna kill me."

"You're planning on leaving? Where? Why?!!"

"I'm not sure.. I'll look into things.. But I can't stay here. Not when I'm this unstable."

"We need you... I.. I need you. Don't go,"

"I'll always remember you. But look at us. We will never get anywhere."

"We're that bad together?" I ask

I don't want to cry. I'm tired of crying and letting my emotions get the best of me. But I can't. James can't go. I'll go crazy if he leaves.

"No.. It's just that sometimes some people aren't meant to be. And no matter how hard they try it just never really works."

"James you can't just say that.. We haven't tried. Please.. Let's try.. For real this time. I want to show you how good I can be to you."

"Cris! Can't you see?! I'm fucked up. You can't let me weigh you down."

"I love you. And I want to carry you through. I want you to know that I'm here. I'll be your shoulder whenever you need to cry.. I'm gonna be here forever. And it's gonna be ugly and upsetting at times.. But we're gonna make it through together.."

He nods and I smile. I lean down to kiss him for the first time in forever. He pulls me down into the bed with him. Of course, I do not complain. It's like he's breathing life into me.

"I love you so much," he whispers

"I love you too,"


Messi's POV

I'm exhausted. I've done it. I don't need to worry about this anymore. I'm proud. I'm happy. There's joy and pride inside of this tired body. And hopefully inside everyone else's.

"Congratulations," I hear people say

"You did it," Neymar whispers against my lips

"I know.. Thank you," I whisper

He nods before closing the gap between us. 253 goals. There's more to come. But right now I don't want to think about that. All I really want to focus on is on Neymar's lips and how perfect they feel against mine.

I push him on the bed and reconnect our lips. He's pulling up my shirt and I know that he's very anxious. I laugh as I try to get rid of his clothes too. We're like eager horny teenagers. So sad.

"Leo.. Hurry,"

"You're anxious tonight,"

"You looked really hot with long hair," he laughs

"That's not sexy Neymar.. I'm about to just go to sleep," I joke

"No baby. Really.. 17 year old leo gave me such a hard on," he bites down on my neck

"Oh fuck Neymar!"

"God.. I wish you had that hair, still. I would pull on it.. Play with it.. God Leo.. You were really hot baby. I would've let you hit it," he chuckles against my skin

"Fuck. Neymar.."

"I can imagine it.. Damn. Would've broken the bed baby,"

I push him down on the bed. He gives me a mischievous look and he knows he's done it.

"Oh.. So you think I can't make sure we break this bed tonight? " I ask

He bites down on his lip. I'm in between his legs and I know he's getting harder and harder.

"You have no shame Neymar.. You get excited so easily.."

"Leo! Ah~ fuck!"

"It's just my leg.. Pressing down on you.. Rubbing against you Neymar.. And you're already leaking,"


"Can't say no since you're asking so nicely," I groan

I lean down to kiss him. He wraps his arms around my neck, tangling his fingers through my hair. He's gasping loudly. I pull him on top of me.

"Ride me," I whisper against his lip

He finds his way down on me. His tight heat indulging me. He's moaning loudly. My name falls from his tongue in a sinful way. His hair is a mess. He's looking at me with intense eyes filled with lust.


I'm jerking him off. Getting him down from his high as quickly as possible. He cums while I'm still painfully hard inside of him. I bring him down as I find myself on top of him. I part his legs wide and look at him.

"P-please," he begs

I push into him slowly and teasingly. He arches his back. We never break eye contact. It's intense just like the scene itself. He's holding on to me tightly, moving with my thrusts.

"Leo! Leo! Fuck! Harder!! Leo!!!!~"

"Jesus Ney. Fuck. I'm almost there baby.."

"Leo.. Ah~"

He comes for the second time. I come inside him. I kiss his forehead before falling down in exhaustion next to him.

"You were amazing today," he whispers

"You think?" I smile

"Yeah.. You're always so amazing, Leo. I'm so glad that I get to play beside you. I'm happy to be beside you,"'

"I'm glad to have you here with me. " I say

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