Chapter 14

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Selena had to go. Cristiano was finally happy. James was still slightly bruised but tried to cover up. No one paid attention until practice. Marcelo accidentally fell on James and James cried out in pain. Cristiano growled like an animal and rushed to his secret lover's aid.

He held James protectively but Marcelo was in shock. He apologized.

"Don't touch him ever again," Cristiano warned

"I-I'm sorry.. But.. James.. Are you okay? Did you hurt yourself ?"

"Yes. I'm fine. Thank you."

Marcelo nodded and walked off. Cristiano held James so close and protectively

"Are you okay?" He asked

"Yeah, I'm fine Cris don't worry."

Cristiano wasn't just worried. He felt guilty. And he had a reason. He did this. He hurt James. He promised that he wouldn't. But somehow, he simply knew that it was a lie. He was like that. He was like an animal, and James was his prey. No one would take James away from him. He'd make sure of that.


Antoine paced back and forth. He wished Benzema was here with him. He would know how to ease everything. He always did. But he took in a sharp breath and formed his hands into fists. He was excited yet nervous. Oliver had promised to visit, but Antoine didn't know that it would be this soon. But it really wasn't soon. His head was in a swirl and he couldn't concentrate. Raul had left his house a few minutes ago. Oliver wasn't there yet but he would be there soon.

A soft knock on the door made his blue eyes widen in horror. He swallowed thickly and walked down the hallway.

"Stay calm," he whispered

He opened the door and smiled. Giroud smiled at him and took him into his arms. Antoine breathed in the smell that was only Oliver.

"Missed you,"

"Miss you too,"

Little words, spoken quietly between them. The silence spoke for them. But Oliver couldn't resist himself. His hands cupped Antoine's cheeks lovingly and their lips met for the first time. Time stopped. Everything was going so slowly. Or maybe it wasn't even moving. It was a chaste kiss. One that simply touched and sparked the body with shocks of electricity.

"For how long are you staying?" Antoine asked

"You already want me to leave?" Oliver asked faking hurt and agony

"No! But.. I want to know.."

"I've got a few weeks.. Thank god. I'm glad I get to spend them with you," Oliver smiled

"Want to visit benzema? He wanted to see you,"

"Oh. Alright. We'll go tomorrow yeah? Today I just.. I want you,"

Antoine blushed. Oliver's hand snaked around his small waist. Antoine gladly allowed Oliver to lure him in. His hands shaking, slightly. He was nervous as to what was to come. But Oliver's body heat kept him calm and collected.

"I would never force you into anything.. We'll take it slow,"

Slow. He always said that. Because Antoine was never ready. Not during the World Cup, not when the first started this, not ever. But it had not been so long ago when they discovered these hidden feelings for each other. But Antoine knew that Oliver was one to take this quickly. This is how it should always be. Because they're football players and they'll be lucky if they get to see each other again any time soon.



They laid on a couch, watching a movie, wrapped in each other's warmth.

"I'm tired.."

"We'll sleep now, then."

Antoine smiled and nodded. Oliver wrapped a blanket around Antoine. His hands found their way around the smaller man's body and Antoine soon drifted to sleep.


Benzema brought his friends along. James felt a little nervous, meeting new people always got him eager. But Antoine was kind. He had blue eyes that weren't icy or cold. They were warm and caring. Oliver's too. They showed dominance and mystery. But they were also caring and alert.

Antoine was a very observant person. So when he saw the slightly purple hand prints on James he gasped loudly.

"Are you okay?" He asked as he took James's hands

Cristiano's eyes widened and pushed Antoine's hand away harshly. Antoine hissed, a red mark already forming on his soft and creamy skin. Oliver furrowed his eyebrows before getting up and glaring at Cristiano.

"Stay away!" Cristiano growled

"Don't touch him!!" Oliver hissed back

James and Antoine shrunk in their seats. Cristiano had a very short temper. Oliver was much more calm but he didn't like it when people messed with his young lover. Benzema and Marcelo tried to calm them down.

"He shouldn't be touching James!" Ronaldo pointed out

"He was simply worried... Your friend here has bruises.. everywhere.. Is someone abusing you?!" Oliver asked turning his attention to James

Marcelo was now alert. He knew something was up. James has bruises and they keep on getting worst.

"N-no.. I hurt myself a lot.. I'm clumsy," James said looking down

"Are you sure? Because those look-"

"So.. Oliver.. For how long are you staying?" Benzema asked

"Oh.. For about 2 weeks. Maybe a little longer. Depends if Antoine gets tired of having me roam around his house half naked." He smiled cheekily

"Don't give me an image that will haunt me for life please," Antoine groaned

"You know you'd die to see my naked," Oliver said rubbing the red spot on his hand

It was such a small sign.  But James saw it. He knew what it was. He knew why Oliver looked at Antoine like that.

It was love.

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