Chapter 2

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"Okay guys! Split into smaller groups.. Messi! Come here," the coach said


"I know neymar is still  injured and he's not on his 100% right now so please keep an eye out for anything,"

"Yes sir,"

"Okay guys!! Let's continue. I want to see team work!"

Messi's eyes would linger to neymar here and there. But the more he stared at the other man, the more intrigued he became. He began to play very close attention to Neymar's every small movement. To the way he'd laugh so bluntly. The way his eyes sparkled.

"Messi stop day dreaming!!!" One of the guys yelled


Neymar smiled at him and Messi blushed. It wasn't like him to be like this. Yeah he was usually quiet but god this was too much.

"Hey Messi! You wanna hang out? I-"


"Okay cool," neymar said catching up to him.

"So.. " Messi but his lip

"You're really adorable you know," neymar said scratching the back of his head

"Oh.. T-thank you.." Messi blushed

Neymar smiled down at him. Messi was a lot shorter and quieter. But neymar liked that about him. He was quiet but always proved himself. But Messi was probably one of those people who's quiet but a freak in bed. And neymar doesn't recall when or why it was that he began to think of Messi in such a way.

"You're very quiet Messi.. Why?"

"Because words aren't needed."

"Oh, yeah? And why is that?"

"Because the heart is so much louder.. You should always let your heart speak.. The mouth is filled with lies and insincerity.. But the heart.. The heart is pure,"

Neymar couldn't control himself. He pulled Messi closer and kissed him. Messi was very surprised but closed his eyes and enjoyed the feeling of the other man's lips against his. But then he realized how wrong this was a pulled away.

"What the hell?!"


"This is so wrong!" Messi hissed

"But.. The heart.. " neymar didn't even know where he was going with this

"My heart does not. No. I'm sorry." Messi ran off

"Fuck!" Neymar hissed




Short I know. Sorry.

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