You thought (11)

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**Rhain POV

"Are you excited to see your mommy?" I asked little RayRay as she skipped alongside me.

"Duhhhh. I haven't seen her in like, a gatrillion years!" She replied rolling her eyes,as if I had just asked her the dumbest question in the world.

"Okay sweetie." I replied as I bent down to fix her shirt.

"I look good bihh. Chill." She replied, smacking my hands away.

Sighing,I stood up then opened the door to the prison's waiting hall. After we signed in and got our visitation stickers, I anxiously walked into the room where November sat waiting.

"Mawwmeee!" RayRay yelled,once she spotted her. I could tell November wasn't pleased,but she hid it will from her daughter.

"Come here mommy's little minion!" She yelled back,opening up her arms.

"I missed you soooooo much,mawmeee!" RayRay cooed

"Really? Because I think I missed you way more Princess." November cooed,kissing her nose. Watching them interact made my heart melt.

After a few more minutes of RayRay blabbing on about how she beat up her friend Egypt in the bathroom,I coughed.

"Then she started bleeding." RayRay chuckled, slapping her leg like she had just told a funny joke.

"A little bit of blood? Or a lot. It only counts if it's a lot." November replied,as I coughed. Looking at me for the first time,she frowned slightly.

"You need some medicine or something?" She asked sarcastically.

"Can we talk?" I asked her.




Sighing,I ran my hand through my hair.

"Rhain baby,go over there to that officer and ask him if he has any jellow. Don't stop asking him until he gives you some. Okay?" November whispered to RayRay.

"O-TAY!" She replied,running off, eager to start her mission.

"I thought I told you not to bring her here." November said,biting down on her molers as soon as RayRay was out of ear shot.

"I know...but she really missed you. She drew a picture of you behind bars in school." I replied.

"I just don't want her in this type of environment. Getting a whiff of the prison scents. Gonna fuck up her brain. Make her bad." November said,shaking her head.

"RayRay is ALREADY bad,if you hadn't noticed." I smiled,frowning once I realized what I had just said. Of course she couldn't notice, she was trapped in here. Missing out on big parts of her life.

"They are skipping her up from Pre-K, to Kindergarten next week,due to her impressive speech and learning abilities. Baby girl is talented." I smiled,changing the subject.

"That's my girl! Where's the picture she drew,I want to hang it up in my cell." November replied,tapping the table mindlessly.

"It's in Ms.Prestly's classroom still."

"Ms.Prestly?" November asked,eyebrows raised.

"Yeah,her teacher."

"I thought that bitch was dead." November replied, leaning in to whisper.

"The one you're thinking about IS. RayRay's teacher,just so happens to be her sister."

"Woah, that's really fucked up. How can you look her in her eye knowing..." November grinned.

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