Judge Me?

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-Eddy P.O.V.-

Nazz and I arrived at the party late, thanks to my piece of shit car. But we finally got here and this place is crazy.

"Let's take a walk through before we party!" I yell, pulling her through the crowd, hearing her only giggle in response.

We found Nat in the back of the house smoking himself up with a group of stoners.

My type of people.

"Yo Nat, where's Double Dee?" I ask.

"Wooaaahhh..." He says slowly, trying to get off the couch. "You like, just missed them. Like, they just... gone." He exaggerates using some type of explosion hand motions.

"They left already?" I question him slowly, making sure his high ass understood me.

"Yes! Kevin got so mad! But, but," he waves his hand up and down trying to keep my attention I guess, "it's o-kay. He will be fine." He says, giving up on trying to get up.

"Is Double Dee with him?" I ask, kinda irritated on how he didn't answer the question in the first place, but he's higher than a kite so I just let it go.

"He also went good-bye." He giggled then gasped. "Maybe he thought Marie would show up!" He exclaims, eyes wide and moving around. "But I didn't invite her." He whispers to himself.

I sigh, knowing that wasn't possible.

"Nat, Marie is in jail." I inform him.

"Ohhhh yeeaaahh.."

"Wait, wait, Marie is in jail?" Nazz asks me urgently.

"Yeah, Shovel Chin and her got into a fight and Rolf got her arrested, she already had a warrant out for her anyways." I tell her, not really sure why she cared.

"How come no one tells me anything? I'm part of the cul-de-sac too!" She says, very irritated.

"I'll make sure you know next time." I say with a smile, trying to comfort her and all of a sudden rage.

"Thanks." She says, but not sounding to thankful. "But now I have to do something later." She says kind of low.

"Come on Natalieeeee." He says, holding up a bong. "Take a hit." He giggles.

She rolls her eyes and takes the colored glass contraption.

"I can't believe it has come to this but sure, why not." He says coldly and takes a hit.

My eyes nearly pop out of my head.

I had no idea she'd do something like that.

She exhales smoothly and chuckles.

"Thanks, I needed that." She says, sounding relieved.

"That was really hot." I blurted out without thinking.

She turns to me and smirks.

"Let's get something to eat." She says, pulling me to the kitchen.

"Yes please. But make sure we get back to that later." I say, giving in to the pull.

"Yeah, yeah." She laughs

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-Edd P.O.V.-

I followed him into the truck, knowing he wasn't ready to explain to me why he left. I understand there was some illegal substances that showed up all of a sudden, but there has to be more than just that. He drove out of the dark neighborhood lit only by his truck headlights and a few street lamps.

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