Where is Mabel?

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My lungs sucked in air and let it out. It was just my sister. She must have fallen down from fright. But what could have given her a good scare like that?

"Are you alright?" I said. "I heard you scream."

But the girl never turned around or answered me. She was looking down at something. I decided to observe what she had found myself. I carefully and slowly trudged over, one soft footstep at a time. Finally, I saw it.

It was a body.

Mabel's eyes were full of tears and I could tell she was more frightened about the scene than I was. I kneeled down slowly next to the dead body. Whoever this person was, they were infected, alright.

I knew the body must have startled her, causing her to probably stumble over and make a bunch of noise. Ever since the outbreak hit, it seems Mabel was more afraid of being bitten than I was, considering I was able to get close to an infected, dead body. As for her, she kept her distance from the monster. Although, I couldn't blame her. This was a startling sight. I lifted my chin to look at her face. Her eyes were getting watery and her mouth began to quiver. To stop myself from doing the same, I quickly lowered my face away from her's.

"It's okay, Mabel." I reassured her, talking to the filthy tiles on the ground. "They're out of their misery now."

The body only seemed to be a few days old. Their skin was torn off, blotchy, and a slight green. Blood stained their body, especially on their head. It dripped down from a bullet hole that seemed to go right through their skull. The body wore ripped and torn clothes. On its shoulder, was a deep bite mark. I took a wild guess and assumed this person was a woman. Although, it was hard to say for sure. It stayed motionless on the ground.

I stood up, trying to stay calm. Though my body shook a little. I tried to swallow back the fear. My eyes moved to the right as they caught something glaring at me. Right by the woman's hand, was a small handheld gun. It was a Glock 19 gun and had an all-black covering. As I reached on the other side of the dead body for the gun, I kept my eyes on its open eyes as if it would come back to life and attack me. As I snatched the gun up, the woman did not make any sudden movements.

Finally turning my attention to the gun in my hand, I breathed heavily. The gun was heavy. When I held it, it made my hand feel like pressure was pulling it down a bit. I didn't dare lay any of my fingers on the trigger, worried it might go off if I accidentally moved a finger.

I got up and attempted to find a safe place to put it. I dropped my bag and placed it inside. Suddenly thinking otherwise, in a desperate situation, I might need to pull it out quicker. I didn't plan on shooting anyone at all, however, I could threaten someone with it. In my head, I couldn't help but imagine how crazy it was that I had to think like this. I have never needed to have a gun in my possession to keep myself away from trouble before. Things are different now. Now, it's crucial that a survivor needs a gun on them. You never know what could happen in this new, sick, twisted, cruel planet.

Taking out the Glock 19, I then pocketed it in my blue vest. When I raised my head, I found Mabel staring at me like I had just gone insane. I knew it disturbed her that I had just picked up a gun, but we didn't have a choice. I sighed and dropped my head, shaking it. Without saying a word, I passed by her, harshly brushing shoulders with one another. I could sense Mabel's shocked eyes on my turned back. Finally, her dragging footsteps followed behind.

At last, I pushed the doors open to the silent afternoon. I gazed upwards at all the neglected buildings, hoping to search for a place for my sister and I to stay. Right in my view, I could make out an old building. The sign, I could hardly make out. Making my way to see the building better, I ran down the street. At the same time, I dodged cars to get a closer look. With the sign in my eyesight, I read it. "Hotel Inn". It was a hotel! There must be many nice rooms and cozy beds there. Maybe we could find some more supplies, too. I kept my right hand up as protection from the sun's light.

"How do you feel about staying at a hotel?" I asked Mabel, though I already planned on heading there, anyway. Mabel did not answer.

Was she even listening?

I sighed and swiveled around to find out I had been talking to myself. Mabel wasn't there.

"Mabel?" I called out into the streets and sky above me. "Mabel, where are you?"

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