A new friend

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Can I just say, "Holy moly!" This story, ever since I started updating it more often, it's been getting more and more votes. I'd be at school and checking my phone when "BLING", another vote pops up in my notifications! Thank you guys so much! It really does mean a lot to me! Now, without further to do, a new chapter!

The voice was a teenage girl's. Sure, her voice wasn't like my sister's sweet and gentle voice, but, it was definitely one-of-a-kind. It sounded as rough as sandpaper, however, that didn't mean her voice wasn't gentle. I heard the sympathy in the way she talked. Up above me, relaxing her body and leaning on the edge of the bridge, was a tall, thin teen. She had long, shoulder-length, bright, purple-dyed hair that was up in a perfect ponytail and bangs that fell in her face. She wore a grey beanie and a regular black sweater over her dirty white spaghetti-strapped shirt. She had on ripped, dark skinny jeans and black, knee-high converse boots with white laces. I would be lying if I said she wasn't pretty.

Despite the fact I hadn't seen another survivor in a few days, I had no interest in talking to her. "Leave me alone...please?" I said, rubbing my nose and sniffling back tears.

For a couple of seconds, she stayed quiet. Then, she said, "I get it. That was me when I lost my family. My mom and step dad, actually. But, the point is...you can't just shut the whole world out, kid."

"I just don't trust anyone. For all I know, you could just want to kill me or something."

"But, when you do, you miss the chance of meeting other people - good people who won't want to kill you. Look, I know it seems tough right now, but, you're only making it harder on yourself by doing what you're doing."

I rubbed my arm and stared down at the ground where the zombie I had just slaughtered lay. Finally, I answered her back. I raised my voice, so she could hear me from where she stood. "You know a lot for just a teenager. What's your name, anyway?"

"My name's Piper. What's your's?"

"Dipper." That's when I realized what she had said before. "Hey, how did you know I lost my family?"

She huffed a laugh. "C'mon, man! Everyone here has lost someone close to them. I know how you feel. I felt what you're going through, too. Why don't you come up here so I don't have to keep shouting to answer you?"

At first, I hesitated. Then, she spoke up again. "What are you scared of? I just want your stuff and to shoot you." Piper cracked up and then, reassured me. "Seriously, though. I'm not gonna bite. Come on up. I'll give you a ride to the nearest exit."


"Yeah. My old car still works. She's just a bit scratched up and broke, but, she's a fighter. Runs just fine." She pulled out her car keys and flashed them to me. "What do ya' say, Dipper?"

With that, I put my faith in Piper. She told me I had no good reason to not trust her. She drove me into town, while I told her what happened earlier. I sat next to her in the passenger's seat and looked out the window. To get around, Piper had to drive off the road to dodge other vehicles. As she drove, I told my story. "That night, she told me she was bitten and left to keep me safe from her. That's when I found you."

"Damn." She mumbled. "That's harsh. I don't know what to say. I'm sorry, Dip."

Her instant nickname for me gave me shivers. Mabel used to call me Dip. Not anyone else. Only Mabel was allowed to call me Dip. "Dipper." I corrected her. "It's just Dipper." The way she said it so casually, like we have been close friends for our whole lives gave me an unsettling feeling in my gut.

"Oh, right. Sorry - again." At moments when the cars stopped blocking the road, Piper would get back on it. Every time, they started again, she would turn off the road. The silence only settled for a few seconds before she decided to begin the small talk a second time. "What kind of name is Dipper, anyway?"

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