If it comes back to you, it's your's

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Heyo, Wattpaders! So, I thought you guys should at least get to meet me and see my face so...

Heyo, Wattpaders! So, I thought you guys should at least get to meet me and see my face so

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You are probably wondering who that nerd in the back is. That is my twin sister, Cloey and likes to photobomb my selfies. I'm talkin to you, H-i-y-o-r-i ! Stop photobombing me, or I will -and mark my words on this one- make fun of your OTP. P.S. I love you like a sister! Hahahaha, anyway, enjoy!

"Why did you leave me?!" I wanted to scream at her through the glass. "How could you be so stupid?! Why would you leave me?! How did you get here?! Why did you let them do this to you?!" So many questions jumbled themselves inside my head. I needed to punch something. I needed to get my anger out, so I punched my knee. If I hit anything else, I might as well let the guards know I was trespassing. I aggressively took off my hat, beginning to feel the heat of the walls, closing in, suffocating me.

Just when I thought I was getting over her, she comes back into my life. It all happened in a sudden second. My heart was pumping and thumping hard in my chest. It couldn't have been her. I must have been hallucinating. I must have been dreaming. But, the only problem was this was no dream. This was reality. It was her!

I peeked again, realizing it really was the girl I thought it was. My lip began to quiver as I covered it with my hands. My eyes watered, not able to look away from the truth.

My sister...Mabel.

Even from where I was, I could see her chest rise and fall, telling me she was still breathing and alive. She showed no signs of struggle. She slept peacefully in the room, surrounded by other strangers. It pained me to see her there. She had no right to be here, in this position. They had labeled her as infected. They labeled her as sick, diseased, and hopeless. But, that wasn't true. She was my sister. She was my family. Mabel was the one to abandon me after our parents had died. I thought she was gone, too, however, she wasn't. She was the only family I had left and I didn't want to lose her again, knowing that she was okay now. I wasn't going to let her get away from me that easily another time. I was going to make things right and apologize for our fight. I was going to hold her in my arms, again. "I promise..." I muttered. "Not again."

"Dipper!" Piper's voice made me jump. I turned to see her frightened face looking at me. She constantly turned her head to be on watch for the guards and tiptoed over to me. She kneeled down to meet my face, grabbing hold of both of my shoulders. "What are you doing, here?"

"I was just-" My tears got lodged in my throat and I tried to swallow them to keep from sobbing out loud.

"We're not supposed to be down here! It's off limits!" Piper attempted to keep her hurried voice in a whisper. That's when she searched my face and knew I was holding back a crying fit. She dropped her firing eyes away from mine and loosened her grip on my arms. Before she could say anything else, a woman's voice spoke, instead. "Piper. Dipper. What in God's name, do you think you're doing?" It was Chief Vicky. She had her hands on her hips, as she always did. Her face was not formed into the smile I saw when I first came in. I couldn't help, but think what the punishment was for crossing over the private area.

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