Keeping secrets

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That's right. I added a sad song...sorta. But, hey, who doesn't love this song? If you think about it, it really fits this chapter. Anyway, good luck trying to get through it without hitting the Feels Express.

The moment I busted the door open was the moment I had to think without any faulty hesitation. My sister needed me. There was no time to think, so I reached for my gun and aimed it at the diseased bastard who dared get close to my sister. She was able to kick it back in its gut out of terror before I shouted with madness at it. It stumbled backwards on the stairs, but, didn't quit. It came at her a second time.

"No! Stop!" I lamely screamed at the zombie as if it could understand me and reason with me. "Stay away from her!" It spun its head up at me with a menacing moan and ran up the next flight of stairs to get to me. I could only make out some features as everything happened in a flash. Its skin was blood-splattered and mangled. It made a clumsy and stumbling effort to get to me. In the corner of my eye, I could see my sister, who was in a fetal position, pleading for it to be all over. My veins pumped hot blood, making my heart rate sky-rocket. My lungs began to take in more air to get me to calm down, though it didn't help. I could feel my legs wanting to give out beneath me, but, I didn't let them.

I scrambled for my Glock 19 in my vest and reloaded the barrel. I raised it and had no trouble pulling the trigger back. It made it easier to know that there was no human soul left inside its body. It was just another normal, everyday zombie that had taken over its host's brain. If they really were still in there, however, I was doing them a favor and ending their nonstop suffering.

The sound of the gun's cry thundered through the building. It startled me so much, I actually dropped the gun in terror.

And that was the first time I've ever used a gun.

My ears began to ring and I could have sworn my nerves shook. I could see Mabel out of the corner of my eye with her hands covering her ears and her eyes wouldn't stop turning back and forth from every angle, well aware of her surroundings. The bullet, luckily and surprisingly, impelled the zombie in the center of its head. It fell to the ground with one last agitated gurgle and a harsh thud. The bullet had done its job. I shielded my eyes from beholding the body I had just shot down, wishing I didn't feel sympathy for a retarded zombie.

I hurried down the first flight of stairs to find tears in Mabel's eyes. She looked like she was going to have an emotional breakdown. "Are you okay?" I asked, all the words coming out at once. "It didn't get you, did it?"

Mabel clenched her teeth together and squeezed her eyes tight furiously. She remained in her fetal position and I knew she wouldn't budge anytime soon, even if I tried to get her up.

"Mabel," I spoke with anger and impatience. "Answer me! Are you hurt?!"

Again, all I got back was a hard-to-make-out whine. Tears flooded her eyes, streaming down like a river. Her cheeks were spotted with red blush from her stressful experience. I wouldn't blame her, though. I was frightened out of my mind. It was the only reason why I needed her to answer me. I needed to know she was alright. Finally, after a minute or so, Mabel nodded slightly as she laid on her side on the ground.

"Can you get up and walk?" I asked her. "We need to go now. We can't stay here much longer or the other zombies will find us."

She got up, keeping her right arm limp. I didn't think much of it, thinking she had just accidentally bumped it or something. Before, I turned my back on her to lead the way down to the first floor, she pulled me into one of our awkward sibling hugs.

"I promise, Mabel." I told her. "I'll make it all up to you. We will find a new, better place to stay in tonight. Maybe a mansion, if we're lucky. I'll raid all the nearest stores of its supplies and we will eat like kings tonight."

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