Weapons and weaknesses

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I spun around back and forth. When I couldn't find my sister, I began to freak out. It seemed to be getting darker by the second. The sun set more beyond the landscape. The sky's colors melted together, a swirl of pink, orange, and yellow. I knew I only had about five minutes left until the sky fell into dark. I needed to find her.

"Mabel!?" I continued to shout her name. But all I got in response was my own voice, echoing in the distance. I panicked and searched through every corner and every abandoned car on the road when suddenly-


Her terrified scream made my ears ring and my body go stiff. It sounded as if she was right behind me. I spun around, frightened, and there she was. Except I had company - and not the friendly kind. Mabel's eyes were the first thing I saw. Her eyes were filled with fear. She was being held back by two boys. They held a pocket knife uncomfortably close to the front of her neck. By the looks of it, they seemed to be the age of their late teens. Just like my sister and I, they wore torn and dingy clothing, as well as cuts and bruises on their faces. They were survivors, alright.

I clenched my fists and teeth out of pure anger. "Let her go!" I yelled, trying to sound threatening, although my voice came out in a whine instead. Unfortunately, the boys didn't back down. Maybe they needed a bigger threat. I pulled my hand back to reach for the weapon in my vest, feeling around for it on the right side of one of the inner pockets. The short-haired, hazel-eyed boy who held the knife up to Mabel only laughed guiltily and said, "Just give me...the bag." I could see it in his eyes. These teens were just as scared as my sister was. They were filthy cowards who thought that they could survive by stealing other people's loot. Well, I didn't let it fool me for a second. I relaxed my quickened pulse and settled down.

"No" I muttered in return. My eyes followed to the boy next to him. He had blonde bangs for hair and faint blue eyes. He had stolen Mabel's bag and was aggressively rummaging through it. Like he would even find anything useful in it. All Mabel carried around was a small throw blanket she knitted from home, her knitting needles, balls of yarn, and the candy she grabbed from the store. He raised his eyebrow and I could tell he was caught off guard. In his left hand, he held Mabel's bag and in the other, her knitting needles.

"Suit yourself." The hazel-eyed boy stammered. I turned my attention back to the other teen by the sound of his harsh voice. I heard Mabel squeal and witnessed the boy raise his silver, reflective knife and cut her cheek, leaving a short line of red, thick liquid...blood. I knew immediately what to do. I thought fast and reached for the cold metal of my gun that I had found in the convenience store. I held it up with my face stern and fierce. I wanted to show them I meant business. "I'm gonna ask you again, nicely. Let. Her. Go."

The weight of the gun was heavy and it was a bit of an effort to hold up. The blonde dropped Mabel's bag in terror, The bag fell to the pavement with a soft thud and the boy's eyes grew. Although, the boy who held the knife at my sister did not even flinch. He stood there with a humorous smirk growing on half of his mouth. He knew something his friend didn't. "Do it." He taunted me.

I kept still, not reacting to his simple request. He watched, like it was funny to see me internally struggle. My hands shook the gun. Finally, they gave out, dropping the gun. As my arms stayed out in front of me, the gun met the ground, teeter-tottering until it finally lay there, silent. With that done, the brunette boy with the hazel eyes, chuckled. "Pathetic." He said. "You didn't even have your finger on the trigger."

I shut my eyes tight, a light blush taking control of my cheeks. Why didn't I shoot him there? Why did I make myself appear vulnerable? If I can't protect my own sister, what's the point? What's the point of even living out here in this cruel world? I hated myself with a deep fury. This was survival of the fittest. The two boys had a better chance at making it out in this zombie-infested madness. Meanwhile, I was just a kid. I was just a little kid, lucky to even be alive. I kept my eyes closed, not wanting to stare into my sister's frightened eyes. She probably hates me for not killing these two already.

The forceful pull of my bag on my back yanked me back to reality. The brunette boy was going for my bag. He pulled it off of my back by the straps with a frantic pace. I opened my eyes, desperate to get away from him. Mabel was right in front of me, where the two boys left her. I ran towards her, relieved she was okay. In the process, I felt something hefty kick beside my shoe. Looking down at what was dropped, I realized it belonged to the brunette. Suddenly, I had an idea.

The two boys scavenged through my bag. "Holy shit." One of them mumbled with a laugh. "This kid is loaded." At that moment, I dove on top of one of them. With the brunette's knife in my hand, I used it. It impelled the brunette boy in the shoulder. He let out a yelp of pain and shock as I backed away. The blonde looked up in surprise, witnessing his friend being stabbed. I didn't even bother taking the knife out. I kept it in. "You bastard!" The brunette yelled.

I attempted to straighten up and shake off the feeling of my skin getting goosebumps. I didn't want to hurt him, but he left me no choice. No one messes with my sister and gets away with it. I wanted to help him, but I didn't. I bit my lip hard and held up my hands to my forehead in distress. Images came flashing back from a couple of months ago, before we left home. Mabel's eyes that were wide and teary, staring blankly at the ground. My parents, motionless on the kitchen floor, laying in their own bloodbaths. Mabel's hysterical screaming at me as I dropped the large, butcher knife I had found in the kitchen. "It wasn't my fault!" I remember saying. "It wasn't my fault! They were sick, Mabel! They were sick!"

My legs gave out from under me and I fell to the ground on my knees. I kept my hands on my head, feeling hot adrenaline rush through, bringing heat and sweat with it. At that second, I felt a hand drag me back up on my feet and pull me away. My eyes revealed my sister, Mabel, who was able to maintain herself and grab both of our bags. She took me away in the last bits of sun before darkness consumed us and the infected came lingering out from the shadows.

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