The runaway

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Okay, first of all, wow! Guys, before I even started writing this fan fiction, it was just a crazy idea in my head. It had gotten to the point where I had people binge reading it and voting for it one day. I got 50 votes for this story in just one day! That's insane! I don't know what to say, other than thank you! I love your support and undying love for my stories and wouldn't have it any other way!

I don't know how I manage to find all these perfect songs for each chapter...oh well. Enjoy! P.S. Possible feels ahead! Proceed with caution!

My heart wouldn't quit pounding in my chest. If I was caught again, I was definitely going to end up dead. My legs felt weak and walking was a difficulty. My lungs burned and took in short, delayed breaths. That night, after everyone had fallen asleep, I packed my things back in my bag and hoped I wasn't too late to rescue my sister. I attempted to stay as quiet as I could.

The warehouse halls were absolutely, without a doubt, more terrifying at night. The breeze from the shattered windows brought in a monstrous growl and the tree branches outside stretched with short screeches. I heard their leaves sway in the summer's cool wind. I was pretty sure everyone in the camp was asleep, however, someone needed to be guarding the camp, so I didn't know how much luck I had left. Only some of the building's lights struggled to keep their own lightbulbs going in the cramped, littered hallways.

I didn't stop, until I reached a quarantine sign. I poked my head through the window of the room where I found Mabel the first time. Two quarantine suited men were in the process of rolling my sister out into the hallway, which meant I needed to hide. I couldn't let them see me or I might as well get a bullet through my skull. Thinking quick, I hid behind a stack of barrels just in time. The two men pushed her through the doorway and out into the hallway. My sister hadn't even opened her eyes. She didn't move or say anything. She laid on the bed, silent.

I tiptoed carefully to catch up with them. I peered around the corner they had just turned and followed. I made a brief halt at a girl's hushed voice behind me. "Dipper!" It was Piper.

Both frustrated and startled, I whispered back. "Piper?"

"Dipper, what are you doing?"

"How did you - you know what? Just forget it. Leave me alone."

"No, you know we're not supposed to be here. What is your deal?"

"Look, okay?" I began, peeking around the corner quickly to make sure I don't lose Mabel and the two men. "I have a perfectly good explanation."

Piper rolled her eyes and gave me a raised eyebrow. "Well, I'd like to hear it."

"But, I'm gonna need your help." Now, I knew Piper was actually committed to listening to me. She lifted both of her eyebrows and relaxed her frustrated face. "I don't have much time to explain. We have to hurry if we want to catch up to them."

"Them?" She turned her head to the hallway where the men with Mabel had just went down.

"We have to save my sister. She's still alive, but, not for long. Please, Piper. You need to help me. I can't lose her again."

Piper looked shocked. She opened her mouth to talk before closing it again. Then, she said, "This is insane!"

"Tell me something I don't know." I said, staying calm and continuing down the halls of the warehouse. Piper made a slight hesitation before she tagged along. "You're gonna get yourself killed!" She mumbled.

"I have to at least try. My sister needs me. And I need her. If I don't go after her now, I'll never forgive myself."

"Still," She began. "This is too risky. I can't let you go through with this."

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