VIII || Blackened Sky

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【 P R E S E N T L Y

It was awfully bright today. The sun was beaming down upon Hyrule in all its radiant glory. There wasn't a single cloud in sight. Yet there was just the slightest of a breeze, just cool enough to keep the hotness of summer at bay. It was, needless to say, a wonderful day. Perfect for either taking a nap beneath a tree or splashing around in the spring.

The children were happily running around playing tag and gathering critters. Despite their working schedules, the adults decided it would be okay to take a rather long break.

For Link, however, it was just another dreary day.

He didn't see the glowing, large sun hanging within a blue sky, nor did he hear the cheer ringing all around. From his eyes, the world seemed awfully bleak. The sun was way too hot for his liking, and the sky was too intense that it hurt his eyes. To Link, the flowers didn't appear to be swaying to the rhythm of the summer breeze. They were bowing their buds in gloom.

The world around him seemed completely oblivious to his depressed mood.

"Oh, Link! Please wait up!"

The moody hero came to a stop at the call of his name. Slowly, he turned around to meet another cheerful, familiar face. Internally, Link cringed. He could only take so much of this unwanted and exaggerated joy.

Why was everyone so happy? How could they be so carefree?

Did they already forget that a precious member of their community just up and left a week ago? And that your whereabouts remained a mystery?

Was he the only one who cared?

"Link, I'm so glad I caught up to you!" Uli giggled. Then she tilted her head slightly to peer around Link to give Epona a nod in greeting. "Heading to the ranch, I see?"

"... Yeah."

Behind him, Epona seemed to whine. Link paid no mind.

Uli's expression faltered for just a second, her eyes softening in concern.

"Well... I won't take up too much of your time." The delight seemed to have vanished from her tone as she spoke. Once again, Link paid no mind.

"I figured you should be the first one to see this," she said softly while procuring a wrinkled piece of paper from the pocket of her skirt. "The Postman delivered it this morning. I haven't taken it yet to Mayor Bo."

Almost like a robot, Link extended his free hand to accept the parchment. Mechanically, his fingers slipped between the fold's creases, revealing a hand-written letter addressed to Uli from her husband.

As his eyes began to skim the words, Uli saw just the smallest flicker of hope return to the hero's features. He began to look happier and happier as he read on. She'd never say it, but this was probably the happiest she's seen him since your departure.

My dearest,

Please do not fret. I have arrived safely at Hyrule Castle Town. I do hope the kids aren't giving you too much trouble at home. As promised, I will return in three days' time after trading Ordon's produce.

Also, I have wonderful news!

I stopped by Telma's bar for a visit, and you'll never guess who I ran into. [Y/N]! She seems to be doing very well. It turns out she joined the Adventurer's Guild. There is no need to worry. It has been but a few nights since her departure, but little [Y/N] has grown quite a bit.

Please pass this on to Link. Rest easy, hero. [Y/N] is in good hands.


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