Chapter 1

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“Come on! You look beautiful, Alex is going to love you Gem.” I rolled my eyes at her as she was still fussing about her hair in the mirror. “Let’s go already!” I practically pushed her out of her front door and got into my car. We were going to Alex’s party today to celebrate his 19th birthday. “So, don’t act desperate in front of Alex, he won’t like that, just be yourself okay.”

“I’ll try not to, I just get all nervous around him you know!” She was fiddling with her hands and she was already getting nervous and we hadn’t even arrived yet.

“Have some alcohol when we get there and you’ll loosen up a bit and your nerves will just disappear!” She nodded her head quickly and turned the radio up so there was a background noise. “Just don’t get too drunk, I mean I don’t want you to fuck him straight away, you want to walk away with your virgini- I mean dignity.” I gave her a wink and she gave me an evil glare back and looked out of her window. “Aw don’t be like that Gem! I was only kidding! You’re only 18, so what you still haven’t lost your virginity! Better than losing yours at 15 like I did! I felt like a right slut I’ll tell you!” She looked back at me seeming to calm down a bit.

“You’re anything but a slut (Y/N), you were young and didn’t really know what you were doing, but I’m 18 I just want to have some fun.” She gave me a little wink and I burst out laughing. 

“Gem, just be careful tonight okay.” She nodded at me and we pulled up into Alex’s drive. There was music blurting and people were inside and out. “Let’s go.” We both got out of the car and me and Gemma walked inside. “Alex!” I saw him with a bottle of some sort in his hand and he heard me call him over the blare of the music. I motioned for him to come to me and Gem and he soon made his way over. 

“I’m glad you two could make it!” He hugged me and Gemma and pulled us both over to the kitchen. “I’ll get you two something to drink. He opened the fridge and came back with two beers in his hand. “Beer okay for now?” We both nodded our heads and I took a long slurp from my can.

“Happy birthday handsome.” I gave him a cheeky wink and he laughed. “Well I’m going to go mingle!” I left Gemma and Alex together, setting them up, and made my way to the living room. Everyone was dancing so I joined them and managed to find Sophie, an old friend from college. We talked over the music for a while till I found my beer can empty. I made my way back to the kitchen but it was empty. Alex and Gemma have obviously gone somewhere ‘private’. I opened the fridge door and pulled out another can. I turned around and hit into someone’s chest. “Shit! I’m so sorry!” Standing there was a brown haired boy who was smiling down at me.

“Don’t worry about it,” he leant down and picked his can he dropped. “Cool party hey, how do you know Alex then? You family?” 

“No I’m just a close friend, what about you?” 

“I grew up with him when we were younger, stayed in touch all this time, I’m surprised I’ve never seen you around before, what’s your name?” He stared at me with his beautiful blue eyes and I couldn’t help but stare into them for a while.

“Uh, I’m (Y/N), what about you?” 

“Conor,” he smiled at me again and he was just breath taking. “It’s nice to meet you (Y/N),” he pulled me close and his lips lingered at my ear. “Very nice to meet you.” I could smell by his breath that he’s been drinking and I didn’t know whether it was the alcohol that made him act like this or if it was just what he was like in general.

“Mmhmm…well I’ll see you around Conor.” I tried to step past him but he put his arm out and stopped me. “Uh, can I help you?” He reached his hand out in front of me, 


“Why?” I had already started pulling my phone out of my back pocket before I spoke. I placed it in his hand when he didn’t answer. He pulled out his phone as well and he soon placed mine back in my hand.

“I’ll see you around (Y/N).” He walked back into the living room and his body disappeared into the group of dancing people. I was shocked at what had just happened. I’ve only just met this boy and he already has my number. Well I guess if he’s a friend of Alex’s, he’s a friend of mine. I took a swig from my new beer can and went back to the dancing people. No matter how much I tried to, I just couldn’t get my mind off of Conor. He had this weird effect on me from the moment I met him. I shook the thought off and danced with my good friend George.

The crowds of people started to die down at 3 in the morning. I was still dancing with a new alcoholic drink in my hand and I was defiantly drunk. My movement was slow but clumsy and I knocked into people now and again. I hadn’t seen Gemma since we got here so I decided I would go look for her. “Gem! Where are you?!” My shout was unheard over the music so I carried on making my way round Alex’s house. I slowly made my way up the stairs and checked every room. I reached the last room and slowly opened the door. “Holy shit!” I slammed the door closed again and ran back downstairs. I found Gem but I thought I would leave her and Alex to it…Good for her…I guess… There were only a few people left now and the numbers kept reducing until I was left on my own in the living room. “Where’s everyone going?” I stumbled to the kitchen which felt like my 100th time tonight and poured myself some sort of alcoholic drink.

“Don’t you think you’ve had enough?” I twirled around to see an amused Conor standing in the door frame. He walked over to me and took the cup from my hand. “You’ve had a drink in your hand all night (Y/N), maybe it’s time to stop.”

“No I’m fine! Give me my drink back.” I tried to grab my drink out of his hand but I was too slow and he poured it down the sink before I could get it. “Hey! What did you do that for! What a waste.”

“I did it for your own good.”

“Pfft, whatever.”

I slowly walked back into the living room and fell onto the large sofa. I was starting to feel ill but apart from that, tonight had been a good night. 

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