Chapter 13

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We laid on my bed in silence; we had been for hours now. I would have thought Conor was asleep if he wasn’t running his hand up and down my back to soothe me as the tears were continuously running down my face. I had just told Conor everything about what happened with my dad, how I got the scar, and what I feel every day as I close my eyes at night. Conor hadn’t said much and in a way I was glad as I didn’t have the strength to answer anything more about my dad. I heard Conor’s phone vibrate in his jean pocket and he moved around to reach it.

“Hello?...Ugh look, now is really not a good time Phil…He did what?!...Okay well, I’ll be at yours as soon as I can okay, see ya later.” Conor got up off the bed and I looked up at him through my long lashes, tears still falling onto my cheeks. I wiped them away and sat up and looked at him again. “I know it’s not the best of times but I need to go there’s been some…trouble…”

“What kind of trouble?” I could tell by Conor’s face that he didn’t really want to answer my question so he just shook his head. “Conor?” He sighed.

“I told you I would keep you out of all my gang stuff so that’s what I’m doing, I’ll come round later to see you again okay.”

“But I need you now Conor…” Conor looked at me with sadness in his eyes and I could tell that he wanted to stay but he was really needed elsewhere. “Just go Conor…” He walked towards me and hugged me.

“I’ll come to see you later.” He walked to the door and made his way to the stairs.

“Don’t bother.” I don’t know if he heard me or not but he kept on walking down the stairs and I went and laid back on my bed by myself and stared blankly at the wall, too tired to even cry anymore.

Conor’s P.O.V

I walked out of (Y/N)’s front door and sped towards my car. This son of a bitch has gone too far and he was going to pay for what he’s done. I slammed my car door and sped down the road and I got to Phil’s in under 10 minutes. I knocked on his front door and he answered straight away with a stern look on his face.

“Liam’s gone too far now Conor. No one fucks with my brother and gets away with it, he’s put my brother in fucking hospital and I think it’s time I pay him a little visit, but I need you to help, come with me?” A smile spread across my face. I nodded my head and a smile spread across his as well.

“Wouldn’t want to miss this now would I? Let’s go.” Phil slammed his front door shut and we walked towards my car. “Should we check Liam’s place first?” Phil nodded his head and I started up my car.

“Yeah and if he’s not there, I know a pub he goes to where he gets pissed out of his mind and if he’s not there then we wait.” I nodded my head and put my foot down on the peddle. We arrived 5 minutes later and me and Phil both stepped out of my car. We walked over to the door, it was locked. “Okay well we can’t exactly knock so how the fuck do we get in here?” I laughed and then stepped back before running at the door and kicked it down with my right foot. “I guess we could do it like that.” I laughed but soon cut off as I saw an angry Liam a few feet away from us. “Hey there Liam!” Phil had an evil look on his face as he walked towards him. “Thought I’d just…pay a visit, like you paid my little brother a visit. Phil stroked his knuckles before looking back at a worried Liam. I stepped forward as well and continued as Liam was taking more and more steps back. He made a run towards the back door but I chased after him and pushed him up against a wall. My fist collided with his face several times before I felt a hand rest on my shoulder. Phil wanted to do this, get payback for his brother so I stepped aside and Phil took over, sending blows to his face and stomach until he was unable to stand on his own two feet anymore. Phil didn’t stop, he just kept on going. Liam was laying on the floor, unmoving now.

“Phil, I think he’s learnt his lesson come on lets go.” Phil wasn’t listening now, he just kept hitting into Liam’s bruised face. “PHIL YOU’RE GOING TO FUCKING KILL HIM, STOP NOW!”  I grabbed his arms and he struggled for a bit until he broke free of my grasp and sent a hit my way. I quickly dodged out of the way but soon sent a hit his way which managed to hit him under his jaw. He gave me an evil glare until he backed out of the room and ran out of the front door. I wiped the blood off of my knuckles and looked at the unrecognisable Liam on the floor. I could tell he was breathing still, just, so I left the house as fast as I could. I could tell that this wasn’t going to be the last I heard of Liam. He’ll be back. I smiled to myself thinking of the fun I was going to have in the upcoming future but my mind soon wondered back to (Y/N). I left her when she needed me most so I decided I’d go back and see her. Hopefully she won’t be upset with me, that’s the last thing we both need right now. I drove to her house and knocked on the front door. There was no answer. “(Y/N)? OPEN UP! IT’S CONOR.” I heard someone moving around and the front door was soon flung open. Her eyes ran all over my body and they stopped at my bloody hands. I heard her gasp as she also saw splatters of blood on my white top. Shit…how was I going to explain this one…

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