Chapter 23

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Harry’s P.O.V-

“Step away from the boy Harry.” I was outnumbered, all I had was this idiot in the corner of the room who looked like he was about to piss himself. I knew I shouldn’t have got him to do my dirty work. “I’m giving you one last warning you ass hole!” I glanced back down to Conor and gave the group of boys in front of me an evil look. I pulled the gun down to Conor’s head and pulled him up off the ground.

“PUT ALL YOUR FUCKING GUNS DOWN NOW OR I’LL SHOOT HIM RIGHT NOW!” Looks were given around the room but the men all eventually put their guns on the floor slowly. “Conor mate, I told you not to bring anyone! Now what did I say if you didn’t listen to me? Unfortunately I’m going to have to kill you both…I didn’t want to have to do this but…you’ve given me no choice.”  I took the safety lock off the gun and a blow echoed around the room. I screamed out in pain and fell to the floor. The bastard shot me in the foot! I clutched it in pain and took a glance in Conor’s direction. He had collapsed back onto the floor but had a gun by his side. I was stupid. Careless. I should have seen this coming! Footsteps came charging towards me and multiple guns were pointed in my face. A second blow echoed around the room and I looked over to the corner to see my little helpers body limp on the floor with blood gushing from his stomach. I was in deep shit.

“Conor mate, hang in there.” A few mumbles escaped Conor’s lips as he lay still on the floor. “What do you want us to do with him Conor?” His head lifted off the floor slightly and he gave me a wicked smile.

“Kill him.”

“No Conor! Don’t do this!” I was punched in the face and the next thing I know. The third and final blow echoed around the room. Darkness.

Your P.O.V-

“HELP! SOMEONE GET ME OUT OF HERE!” I had been stuck in this god damn boot what seemed like forever. I heard gun shots and I was worried. What if Conor had found where about I was and tried to stop Harry? “SOMEBODY HELP ME!” Tears were streaming down my face as I was starting to struggle to breathe. I kicked around a bit but it was no use. I lay in silence for another 10 minutes until the boot popped open and my eyes widened when a man that looks dangerous stood in front of me. I prepare for the abuse but nothing happens. He just stares at me with wide eyes.

“(Y/N)?” I nod my head at him and he helps me out of the boot carefully. I feel limp and fall to the floor but he catches me and holds onto me. “Did Harry do this to you?!” I nodded my head and let the tears soak into his t-shirt. He strokes the back of my head and tries to soothe me. “Shh, its okay we’re here now, look I need to take you to the hospital. Conor’s in a bad way, he needs you right now.” I wipe away my tears and stare blankly at this stranger.

“W-what’s happened?! Is he okay?!” he shook his head slowly.

“He’s been stabbed…I don’t know what’s going to happen to him right now…he’s lost a whole load of blood…I came and found you as soon as possible. You look like you’re in a pretty bad condition yourself, are you okay?” I nodded my head. How could he be worried about me at this moment in time when Conor could be dying!

“Take me to see him!” He nodded his head quickly and directed me to his car. We drived in silence. I was so worried. Conor could die…and I may never see his bright blue eyes stare deeply into mine again. I may never see his lips twitch up in a smile when he’s fighting back a laugh. I can’t let him go. I couldn’t live without him. I’m too far fallen for him…

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