Chapter 26

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I dangled my foot over the edge for about a minute, my eyes still squeezed shut. I wanted to do it but I couldn’t force myself to do it. I was scared I’d regret it and once I jump off, there’s no turning back. I just need a bit more time to think about this. I put my foot back on the ledge and looked up to the sky, arms spread out wide.

“WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME?!” I shouted up into the air. “I DON’T DESERVE THIS! I NEVER DESERVED THIS!” I pointed up into the sky as if someone was looking down at me. “I LOVED THEM, AND YOU…YOU TOOK THEM AWAY FROM ME! MY NAN, MY GRANDAD, MY BOYFRIEND…MY DAD! NEVER IN MY LIFE HAVE I SHOUTED LIKE THIS! EVER! BUT I CAN’T HOLD IT BACK ANYMORE! WHY DID YOU TAKE THEM FROM ME?! BRING THEM BACK! PLEASE! BRING THEM BACK!” I was sobbing hysterically now. It felt like a piece of me had finally snapped inside and I couldn’t take it anymore. I have tried so hard to be strong for everyone, but I can’t do it anymore. Now I have no one…what’s the point in trying to be strong now? What’s the point in living? I placed my foot back off the edge, decision made. “YOU MAY HAVE TAKEN THEM FOR YOURSELF PURPOSELY, BUT NOW YOU CAN HAVE ME UNWILLINGLY!” I turned around, making it easier for me to do the fall. I shut my eyes once again and began to fall back…

Before I fell all the way to the ground, thousands of thoughts ran through my mind. What would my friends say? Should I have done it? Was I being selfish? Before I could think anymore thoughts, a pain shot through me from head to toe. Ah…it’s over.

Alex’s P.O.V-

Where is (Y/N)? I have been trying to look for her for the past half an hour, she needs to know that Conor’s not dead, when she ran off, his heart began to beat again, no one around the hospital had seen her so I thought maybe she’d gone home. I walked out of the hospital doors and there was a big crowd and a lot of screaming going on. I ran over to the group of people and looked down at what they were looking at. No.

“EVERYONE MOVE OUT THE WAY!” I pushed past everyone and saw two men put her onto a bed. They rushed into the hospital and took her straight to an emergency room. I followed them, tears falling down my face. I still don’t know what’s happened? They barged through some doors but kept me out. I heard them talking through the doors to the people in the room. “Someone saw her fall from the rooftop, now she’s still got a pulse, surprisingly, but its weak, very weak, broken bones, maybe some brain damaged or a fracture to the skull or even bleeding from the brain, if she’s bleeding from the brain then she’s in a very critical situation, we need to get to work on her straight away, if we don’t, then she’s not going to make it so let’s go.” I ran my hands through my hair, if I would have found her earlier then she wouldn’t be lying there right now. This was my fault. My entire fault. If she doesn’t make it…what am I going to tell Conor when he wakes up...? Today cannot be happening…it feels like I’m going to suddenly wake up and realize that this is all a nightmare…a horrible, horrible nightmare…but it’s not…

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