Chapter 11

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We went back in the club and found Alex and told him we were leaving so him and Tonez would have to find their own way home. Conor drove me home and when we got there he came in with me. I slipped off my shoes and made my way upstairs. I sat on my bed and Conor came and sat next to me. We both laid there in silence, I didn’t have anything to say right now, I was still in quite a bit of shock from what happened back at the club.

“I’m Sorry.” Conor broke the silence and I looked up at him, raising my eyebrows. He looked down into my eyes with a sad expression on his face. His mouth was slitely open and I thought he was going to say something but he didn’t he just kept his eyes on my.

“What for? You’ve done nothing wrong.” Conor shook his head immediately. “Conor, you’ve done nothing so why are you apologising?” He closed his eyes and I waited for him to speak.

“If I would have stayed with you then that piece of shit would never had hurt you, but I did leave you and THAT happened. I should go find him and beat the shit out of him some more.” I sighed.

“Conor that was not your fault. That could have happened to anyone and I know it happened to me but that doesn’t mean it’s your fault. You were gone for a matter of seconds and you found me, you saved me Conor okay so don’t blame yourself for what the hideous man did back there okay.” I grabbed his hand and rested my forehead on his. He just grunted and then pulled me onto him.

“I still should have stayed with you, I’m sorry it was a shit night but we can make up for it now if you like?” Conor pressed his lips to mine and placed his hands on my hips. Our lips didn’t part for what seemed like forever but Conor soon parted away, gasping for breath. Conor placed his hands at the hem of my dress and began to tug. I quickly got up off the bed and ran to the bathroom.

“NO!” I slammed the door shut and heard Conor’s feet run to the door. He tried to open it but I locked it.

“(Y/N)? What’s wrong?” There was a hint of worry in his voice but I just stood there in silence ignoring him. “Talk to me (Y/N)…please open the door.” I hesitated but I eventually unlocked the door and opened it to see Conor leaning against the door frame. “What was that all about?” I looked down ignoring his eyesight but he put a finger under my chin and lifted my head up so I was forced to look at him. “I’m not going to make you do anything you don’t want to (Y/N),” I shook my head at him.

“It’s not that…I mean I want to but…” He raised his eyes at me waiting for me to speak again and I looked down at the floor. “It’s ugly…” Conor looked confused and waited for me to explain. I turned away from him and began to tug my dress off. I stood there with my back to him for a while before I plucked up the courage and turned to face him. I heard a gasp escape Conor’s lips and a tear rolled down my cheek. I hated it. 

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