Chapter 9

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Chapter 9-

“You tell me…” I stared at Conor, waiting for him to reply and a big grin grew on his face. “What’s happening between us then?”

“Well I like you…a lot and if you feel the same way then I don’t see why we shouldn’t see each other.” Conor waited for me to reply, I was thinking everything through in my head. I defiantly liked him but that wasn’t the thing I was thinking through. Should I be seeing someone who’s in a gang.

“I like you too but if we are going to be together, you need to keep me out of all this gang shit you know, I don’t want to hear about it or anything okay?” He nodded his head and I nodded mine too. “So is it official then?”

“Yes, it’s official,” he chuckled to himself but then leant in and pressed his lips onto mine gently. I smiled into the kiss and so did he. I heard Conor’s phone go off and he sighed, moving away from me. He answered his phone and I listened to what he was saying.

“Hello? Hey Harry…ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!...He’s gone too far now, I’m on my way meet me at mine I’ll be there in 10 minutes…bye.” Conor looked angry and I didn’t dare ask him what that was all about as I wasn’t sure whether I wanted to know or not. “I’m really sorry but I’ve got some business to take care of, I’ll call you?” I nodded my head and Conor kissed me one last time before he charged out of my bed room door. I heard the front door slam shut and I was on my own. I sighed and laid down on my bed. What an earth have I gotten myself into?

I was lying in bed and it was 12 o’clock, I hadn’t heard anything from Conor all day. He said he would call me but nothing…Am I being too clingy? I sighed and rolled to my side. I shut my eyes feeling so tired as I had stayed awake all this time for Conor. Just as I was about to doze off my phone vibrated.

From Conor:

Hey sweetie, been busy all day, sorry I didn’t have time to call you, sweet dreams beautiful.xx

I smiled down at my text not knowing what to reply with. I decided to just leave it I mean he most probably wasn’t even expecting a reply anyway. I placed my phone on my bed’s side table and closed my eyes once again and drifted off into a deep sleep.

I was stumbling through the woods, it was so dark and I kept falling over vines and twigs hidden in the darkness. My feet were moving as fast as they could but it wasn’t fast enough, I could hear him chasing me and I kept picking up the speed but it wasn’t enough. Eventually I fell and I couldn’t get back up again I just laid there looking up to the dark eyes staring down at me again. An evil grin spread across his face and I buried my face into the ground below me. His hands wrapped around my arms and pulled me to my feet. I let out a big scream but no one heard.

“Please don’t hurt me Conor!”

I awoke to myself screaming and sweating. I had the same dream I had the other day. But why? It even involved Conor, I sat up and ran my fingers through my hair I slowed down my breathing and began to relax. I just found it weird that I had the same dream…and about Conor? Oh well, it most probably doesn’t mean anything…does it? I checked my phone to see I had a text from Conor.

From Conor:

I want to take you out tonight, we’re going to club, wear something sexy ;) I’ll pick you up at 9:00. Conor.xx

To Conor:

Will do ;) can’t wait to see you again.xx

Looks like I was going out tonight!

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