Chapter 7

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“What do you mean you can’t Conor?” I was confused, why wouldn’t he be able to stay away from me? We’ve only known each other for a short period of time; surely he couldn’t have gotten that close to me?

“Because I don’t want to (Y/N)…” His voice was sad and for a split second I felt his pain but that vanished quickly.

“Alex warned me. He told me I would get hurt if I carried on seeing you, that I would get dragged into everything and I won’t be able to get out of it again.” The end of the phone was silent and I waited for him to speak.

“I won’t let you get hurt (Y/N), I promise you, and I will keep this promise if it’s the last thing I do okay…Just please, let me see you…” I didn’t know what to say, I didn’t want to forgive him that easily.

“Okay, come to mine tomorrow at 1, don’t make me regret this Conor.” I rubbed my forehead and closed my eyes, too much drama for one day, I just needed sleep. “Look I am really tired so I’ll see you tomorrow kay?”

“Okay, goodbye (Y/N).” I hung up the phone and lay down on my bed, I was feeling so physicly drained and sleep was calling for me so I let my eyes close again and drifted off into a sleep.

I was stumbling through the woods, it was so dark and I kept falling over vines and twigs hidden in the darkness. My feet were moving as fast as they could but it wasn’t fast enough, I could hear him chasing me and I kept picking up the speed but it wasn’t enough. Eventually I fell and I couldn’t get back up again I just laid there looking up to the dark eyes staring down at me again. An evil grin spread across his face and I buried my face into the ground below me. His hands wrapped around my arms and pulled me to my feet. I let out a big scream but no one heard.

“Please don’t hurt me Conor!”

I snapped my eyes open coming back to reality. It was just a nightmare. I was sweating so I got up and had a shower, it calmed me down and I got dressed realising I had Conor coming round in a few hours. My heart began to beat faster at the thought of talking to Conor about everything. What was he going to say and most importantly, what was I going to say? I tried to push the thought to the back of my mind but it wasn’t working, I couldn’t help but think about it. Before I knew it, it was 1 o’clock and Conor was knocking at my door. I waited at my door for a while, debating whether to open it or not but in the end I did. He stood there with an apologetic look on his face. I moved to the side letting him come in, we didn’t say a thing to each other until we took separate seats on my sofas. He broke the awkward silence,

“Thank you for letting me come round today, I really needed to see you,” I just nodded my head at him and began to speak again. “What’s going to happen between us two then? Do you still want to be friends with me or do you want me to leave you alone…for good?” I looked down at my hands, not knowing the answer to his question. I hadn’t replied and he was getting impatient. “(Y/N)?” My eyes snapped up to his face and tears were threatening to brim over the edge.

“I don’t know what I want Conor. I am so confused right now, it feels like every things being thrown at me all at once and I’m so confused, I THINK I still want to be friends with you but I want to be friends with the Conor I know, not scary Conor I saw last night. I feel I don’t know the real Conor that you’ve lied to me and that hurts that you’ve been lying to me this whole time. I don’t know who you are anymore Conor.” His face looked saddened.

“(Y/N), I’m still the same old Conor you met at that party, I just didn’t tell you everything about myself and I’m sorry, I should have told you everything before we started getting closer to each other…please don’t say the words…” I looked deep into his sad eyes and my heart ached, it shouldn’t be but it did.

“I won’t…but you’ve got to promise me two things…one, that you won’t lie to me ever again and two…keep me safe Conor…” He nodded his head quickly.

“I promise (Y/N), I won’t let anything happen to you.” I walked over to Conor and he wrapped his arms around mr and pulled me into his chest. “But you have to promise me something to,” I looked up at him confused, what did he want from me? “You have to promise me you won’t get involved with any of this business I’m in okay?” I nodded my head and he took that as conformation. He squeezed me tighter and I felt safe again.

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