Chapter 31

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“Excuse me, sir?” I kept my eyes shut as I hear the murmur of voices around me. “You need to leave, you weren’t meant to stay here over night.”

“Please, just let me stay until she wakes up?”

“I’m sorry sir but you need to go…now.” My eyes fluttered open, being thoroughly woken with the commotion going on. “See she’s awake now, you can leave. Hello there (Y/N), how are you feeling today?” I blinked a couple more times, getting used to the light in the room. I groaned as a response.

“When can I leave this place, this bed isn’t helping me at all!” I heard the women chuckle to herself.

“Ever since you’ve been here, you’ve complained about nothing but the bed, are they really that bad?” I nodded my head at her and she chuckled again. “I was just telling Conor here that he has to leave now. I instantly grabbed onto his hand.

“I don’t want him to go yet, I want to talk to him more.” Ally gave me a sympathetic look but it didn’t seem like she was going to give into me this time.

“I’m sorry (Y/N), besides you’ll be leaving on later today, Doctor Browning says you’re well rested enough so you won’t need our services anymore. I’m going to miss you (Y/N)…” I got up and gave Ally a tight hug. “I guess you two can have another 5 minutes together, but when I come back, I expect you to be gone Mr.” she pointed a finger at Conor and he nodded his head. She quickly left the room and I turned to face Conor.

“When are you allowed to leave then?”

“Today, Ally told me. (Y/N)…what’s going to happen to us when we leave here?” I could tell by Conor’s voice that he was scared of the answer. I fiddled with my hands and looked down at my feet.

“I have no idea…”

“I want to take you out tomorrow night…if you’ll let me.” I didn’t know what to say…I couldn’t say no…I nodded my head at him. He walked over to the door before turning to face me once again; I raised my eyebrows at him. “I’ll pick you up at 7:30…wear something revealing…” I rolled my eyes at him and he walked out of the door.


The next day-

At exactly 7:30, there was a gentle tap at my front door. I made my way towards where the noise came from and quickly swung it open with my only hand as my other was in a cast still. His eyes trailed up and down my body and he smiled to himself.

“What are you smiling at?” I smiled with him.

“Two things really…One, you look so beautiful and two…that’s exactly the same dress you wore on our first date.” I blushed a little at his kind words but I didn’t realise this was the same dress I wore. He held out his hand to me and we travelled towards his car. The car ride was a little awkward, we tried to make general conversation but I just didn’t really know what to say.

“Where are you taking me Conor?” I saw the sides of his mouth twitch, a smile spreading across his face. He looked over me quickly before turning back to the wheel.

“To The Albert.” I smiled as I realised this was the place he had taken us on our first date. “You seemed to like it there when I took you the first time.” Moments later we pulled up outside the restaurant. God, it looked fancy. We walked over to the restaurant and were taken to our table. We sat down and Conor had a big smile on his face. “This is it, this is where we sat…” I smiled at him and looked down it the menu. I heard Conor cough before to get my attention. “My names Conor Paul Maynard, I’m 19, always lived in Brighton, my middle name is Paul, my favourite place to eat is Nando’s, I love to sing, I like things to go the way I want them to and if they don’t, I get…angry. If I want something I always get it…always,” He gave me a little wink and just stared at him waiting for him to go on. “…my birthday is on the 21st of November and I love doughnuts, that’s pretty much all you need to know about me.” It finally clicked. He was re-enacting our first date. I smiled up at him and he was waiting for me to speak.

“I’m 18, moved from London to here when I was 14, my middle name is (Y/M/N), I love to eat anything, I love to dance, my birthday is (Y/B/D) and I also love doughnuts.” I gave him a little wink and he laughed. That’s when I felt it. It all came flooding back. When I first met him. Our first date. How he tried to touch me up under the table. How he told me I was his now. Everything. From his brother to when we had sex. It came back. Conor sparked something and it all came back. But the Doctors said it wasn’t possible…I gasp escaped my lips and Conor looked worried. A hand went to my mouth and I closed my eyes as tears fell down my cheeks.

“(Y/N)…whats the matter, what did I do wrong?” I shook my head and got up from my chair and walked over to him. I pulled him up from his seat and forcefully pushed my lips to his, he was surprised at first but he soon relaxed and began to kiss me back. I felt eyes on me from all around the room but I didn’t care at this moment in time. we eventually broke and I placed my hands either side of his head and rested my forehead onto his.

“I remember Conor…I remember everything…”

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