Chapter 16

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“I…I think I’m in love with you…” So many things went through my mind after I heard Conor say those words. What do I say back? Does he mean it? Of course he does otherwise he wouldn’t have said it. Does he regret saying it? Did he just say it in the heat of the moment? I looked down at my hands and I could tell Conor was worried when I still hadn’t said anything. A tear fell from my eye as realization just hit me as I thought about what Conor had just told me. It takes a lot of guts to say that to someone and hear I was, standing in silence, dwelling on the fact that he’d just told me he loved me. “(Y/N)? Did you hear what I said?” I nodded my head and looked up at him, I wiped away my tears and went and hugged Conor. I felt his body relax and he tighten his arms around me.

“I think I’m in love with you too Conor…” Never in my life has a boy told me that they were in love with me so I didn’t particularly know how to react but I love being around Conor, he makes me laugh and smile when I feel like crying and there is no one else in the world I would rather be with so it was obvious that I felt the same way towards him, I just froze as what he said sunk in. “No, I don’t THINK I’m in love with you…” I looked up at Conor to see that his eyebrows had creased and his face looked pained as I took back the words I had said moments ago. I tapped his little nose and beamed a big smile at him, “…I KNOW I’m in love with you…”  Conor placed his chin on top of my head and I wish I could freeze this moment in a frame and stay like this forever. Conor lifted my chin up with his index finger so he could gently press his soft, plump lips onto mine. The kiss suddenly changed and Conor grabbed handfuls of my hair in his hands as he continuously moved his lips in sync with my own. Conor’s hand trailed down my chest and started to forcefully undo my buttons on my shirt. His hands soon went down to my shorts button and he looked down at me to ask for permission to proceed. I nodded my head and my heart felt like it was going to burst as how fast it was pumping. Since mine and Conor’s relationship started, we had never had sex. I don’t know why, it just hasn’t been on the top of our ‘to do’ lists but here I am, standing in a room practically naked about to have sex with Conor for the first time. Conor bent down onto his knees and tugged my black laced pants off. While I unclasped my matching bra. His eyes traced all over my body, taking in every inch of it and he eventually came over and placed his hands onto my hips and pressed his lips to mine once again.

“You’re…So…Beautiful…” Conor said each word between each kiss. I felt my cheeks heat up and I could tell I was blushing. I started to feel uncomfortable, being the only naked one in the room so I reached for Conor’s polo top and pulled it over his head and then reached down to his skinny jeans and undid them and pulled the down his legs. He was left in only his black boxers which he soon removed himself. Conor pulled me into his arms and carried me up the stairs, kissing me the whole way there. He gently placed me down onto his large double bed while he removed something from his bed side table. He ripped open the small packet and placed the condom on. Conor came over to the bed and placed his hands either side of my head. He leant down to press his lips onto mine. Conor soon got started and he moved inside me slowly. He kissed up and down my body, making me feel loved. He traced his fingertips over the scars on my legs so gently I hardly noticed. Conor maintained the same pace. This wasn’t just sex, this was making love to each other.

Me and Conor fell asleep soon after, feeling drained after our little night. When I awoke in the morning, Conor’s were around my waist securely, holding met to his body, not letting me move. I snuggled deeper into his body and inhaled his natural scent. I closed my eyes and Conor’s arms held me tighter to his body. I felt safe in his arms, safer than I have ever felt with anyone before. I laid there in silence for a while until I heard a knocking at Conor’s front door. I looked over to the bedside table and realised it was already 12; I pulled Conor’s arms off of me as gently as I could and he remained fast asleep. I got up and put on one of Conor’s tops that was laying on the floor, it came down to my knees so I was well covered. I ran to the door and swung it open. Standing there was a tall bald man with a scar across his face which started from his left eye down to the corner of his mouth. A large grin spread across his face as his eyes trailed all over my body, I felt uncomfortable and wrapped my arms around my body, a natural instinct.

“Hey there sweet cheeks,” I nodded at him and raised my eyebrow at him. “You must be Conor’s little toy eh?” He let out a loud chuckle but my mouth kept shut. “Where is the dick head anyway? Got a little bit of news to inform him of.” This strange guy looked over my head and saw that Harry wasn’t around. He pushed me into the door and walked into Conor’s home. I let out a little yelp as my back smashed against the door. “CONOR! WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU!” Conor emerged from his bedroom with a pair of joggers clinging to his skin. “Ah, there you are!” An angry look appeared on Conor’s face as he saw this guy in his home. “Good to see you little brother!”  Brother?!

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