Chapter 18

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I was a loud out of hospital a few days later when everyone was reassured I was making a fast recovery from my huge amount of blood loss. Conor drove me home and I was silent the whole way there, listening to the gently hum of the quiet radio. Conor cut off the engine when we reached mine but I didn’t make any movement, I just looked at the beads of rain trickling down the window. I felt a hand press onto my knee and my head jerked up to see Conor giving me a warm smile.

“We’re home.” I unbuckled my seatback and walked over to my front door and reached for the spare key hidden under my door mat. I went straight upstairs when we got in and wrapped myself in my floral duvet covers. I heard Conor’s light footsteps enter my room and I stared blankly at my wall, the same words repeating in my head, ‘she could get ‘accidently’ hurt again’. What did Harry mean by that, was he planning on hurting me himself or was someone else going to do the job for him? I just didn’t know and I was scared. “(Y/N), I won’t let him hurt you okay, I promise you, I will not let him okay?” I snapped my head up and saw Conor walking towards me. He peeled the duvet off of me and laid down next to me before wrapping it round us again. He placed both hands on my waist and pulled me closer to him. I rested my head in the crook of his neck and wrapped my arms around him. “Do you trust me (Y/N)?” I thought for a second but eventually slowly shook my head. “Why don’t you trust me (Y/N)? Tell me why…” I paused for a second before answering.

“Because you can’t protect me from everything. I’m going to get hurt sooner or later and I think we both know that. You can’t be with me every single moment of the day, you’re not always going to be here with me to protect me.” Conor shook his head.

“I can do all it takes, I know a few people that can sort out any problems I have for me, I could just call them now-” I cut him off immediately.

“No gangs. No violence. No nothing.” I looked up at Conor and his eyebrows creased and he took in all that I was saying.

“Without violence I can’t protect you. How else do you expect me to keep you safe? These people are dangerous (Y/N), don’t you see! Now we’re together, you’re practically involved with my shit, don’t you see!” My mouth popped open at his words. Conor shut his mouth immediately as he realised what he had just say. “Ignore I said anything, I didn’t mean it.”

“What do you mean; I’m practically involved with your shit Conor? YOU PROMISED ME YOU’D KEEP ME OUT OF THIS.” Conor rubbed the back of his head, getting nervous as he had just said something he obviously wasn’t meant to have said. “CONOR?!”

“I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want you to get worried, it’s nothing I swear, it’s nothing we can’t handle, you’ll be fine…” I had no idea what Conor was talking about right now. He could tell by the look I wanted him to carry on. “Well, some people from another gang saw us together and they’ve found out that you’re my weakness…they’ve been threatening us for weeks now…but they’re to pussy to mess with us, they won’t do anything I swear…” My eyes widen with shock. I was a target for a gang.

What the fuck had I got myself into… 

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