Chapter 17

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“Get out my fucking house Harry.” So Conor’s brother who I had no idea about was called Harry. I was still by the front door, unaware of what was actually happening right now. Harry let out a large chuckle. “I mean it, leave.” Harry shook his head and tutted at Conor.

“I’m not going anywhere; I need to talk to you about something, something serious.” Harry’s face turned serious but Conor was still not happy with him being anywhere near him or his house. Conor shoved into Harry and he stumbled slightly but Harry just pushed him back twice as hard, causing him to fall over. Conor’s face turned bright red and was up in Harry’s face in a matter of seconds. “WHAT YOU GOING TO DO CONOR, YOU’RE A LITTLE PUSSY MATE!” Harry was up in Conor’s face as well and I slammed the front door shut and ran over to them, getting in between them. “DON’T GET INVOLVED SWEET CHEEKS.” Harry looked me deep in the eye but I just folded my arms over my chest, indicating I wasn’t moving any time soon. I felt a hand grab around my arm tightly and throw me to the floor. There was a big crash as I fell into Conor’s dining table and smashed various glass cups. I all of sudden felt a stabbing pain in both of my hands and various other parts of my body, I let out a little gasp as I saw blood oozing from the new cuts.

“DON’T YOU FUCKING TOUCH HER!” Conor’s fist hit into Harrys cheek and left him dazed before he swung back to try and hit Conor. Despite Harry’s size and strength, he missed Conor and felt another hit pound into the opposite side of his face. “LOOK WHAT YOU’VE DONE TO HER! LOOK AT HER!” Conor grabbed Harry’s face in one of hands and forced him to look at me, lying on the floor with blood at my feet, I felt light headed from the loss of blood, the stinging pains in my hands, bum and back and the smell of my blood. Harry looked at me with horror in his eyes as he only just realised what he had don’t to me. “NOW GET OUT OF MY FUCKING HOUSE BEFORE I KILL YOU RIGHT NOW!” Despite the size advantage Harry had on Conor, he looked rather scared of him right now, as was I, but he soon got up off the ground and quickly moved towards the door but turning back before leaving.

“I came here to warn you, but fuck you! When you get yourself killed, I’ll just laugh at you! Stupid immature little shit!” Harry rubbed his cheeks softly before speaking again. “And as for this,” he pointed to his face. “I’ll get you back, I always do.” An evil grin spread across his face and he then turned towards me. “I’ll see you around sweet cheeks, I’ll see you around real soon. She’s a pretty one she is Conor!” Harry turned back to Conor and laughed. “I’d keep an eye on her if I was you, you never know, she could get ‘accidently’ get hurt again.” Conor sped towards Harry but he soon left before Conor reached him. The front door slammed and Conor soon rushed over to me, inspecting my damaged hands.

“I think you’re going to need stitches babe, it cut you pretty deep, are you hurt anywhere else?” I nodded my head and Conor helped me up off the floor. there was a huge puddle of my blood on the floor and I felt light headed. My vision went blurry and I hear Conor’s faint voice before my eyes snapped closed, I saw nothing but darkness and heard nor felt anything either. 

When I opened my eyes, I was in a white room, and I noticed Conor fast asleep on a chair next to me, holding one of my hands gently in his. My eyes felt heavy and parts of my body felt like they were on fire. I heard the faint beeping of the machine next to me with flowers and cards placed all over the room saying ‘get well soon’. What the fuck had happened. All I remember was Conor having an argument with his so called ‘brother’. I looked over to Conor again and shook him slightly. His eyes snapped open and he a smile spread across his face as he saw my eyes were finally open. “Hey there sleepy head,” Conor stroked my hand gently and gave me another smile. “How you feeling?”

“Painful, what happened?” 

“Well, Harry pushed you into a load of glass and you cut your body up real bad. Lost a lot of blood, doctors were picking glass out for ages until they finally stitched you back up. You have been asleep for a few days but don’t worry you haven’t missed much.”

“Have you been here this whole time?” Conor nodded his head and gave me a warm smile. “And Harry? What’s happening with him now?” I was starting to remember things again and I suddenly remembered the last thing Harry said to me, ‘I’d keep an eye on her if I was you, you never know, she could get ‘accidently’ get hurt again.’ 

“Don’t worry about him, I won’t let him anywhere near you, I promise, I WILL look after you…even if it kills me.”

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