Chapter 25

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“No…NO…NO! YOUR NOT DEAD! WAKE UP CONOR!” I smashed my fists against the glass window but no one looked up at me. “WAKE UP!” Tears were streaming down my face uncontrollably and I began to sink down to the floor, pained noises escaping my lips. I ended up curled in a ball on the floor until Alex ran down the corridor, he had obviously heard what had happened. He immediately saw my curled up on the floor and rushed over to me.

“(Y/N)! What’s happened? What’s wrong?!” I looked up at him but couldn’t make out any of his featured as my vision was blurred with tears.

“He’s not waking up Alex! He’s not waking up!” I grabbed fistfuls of his shirt and began sobbing into his chest, staining it with my salty tears. “I can’t live without him Alex! I just can’t!”

“Hey hey hey! I’m here it’s okay, everything’s going to be fine!” I screamed at him which caught him off guard.

“My boyfriend is lying on a hospital bed fighting for his life!” I slammed my fists into his chest, “None of this is okay Alex!” I pushed away from him and stood up to look back at Conor. He was being shocked and the nurses and doctor exchanged a few glances before the male looked down at his watch. No. They were giving up. I slammed my fists again onto the window and they all looked up at me.

“DON’T GIVE UP YET! PLEASE!” They gave me a few pleading looks until they looked back down at Conor’s lifeless body but they began shocking him a few last times. I couldn’t stand to watch this anymore. This was what it was like when my dad died. The exact same thing. It was like Deja Vu. I ran off down the corridor, I couldn’t stand to watch my boyfriend lying there like that. I heard Alex call after me but I just kept running. This couldn’t be happening. What was I going to do without him? I couldn’t live without him; there was no doubt about it. So what do I do now? I had an idea in mind. It was stupid but it was the only one I could think of. I took the elevator to the top floor and found myself stairs that led to the rooftop. I opened the doors and stood up upon the roof. I walked over to the ledge and looked down. I was high. High enough to do what I wanted. I stood upon the ledge and sat down and left my feet dangle. I looked down at everyone beneath me; they looked like ants from up here. It’s funny how easily your life can end. My dad died in a car crash, my boyfriend just died because he was stabbed, my grandma died due to a heart attack, my granddad died of old age and my mother, well my mother I don’t even see any more so it’s like she doesn’t even exist. Who else do I have? My friends? That’s it. And I know I can’t be with them every second of the day to keep me company. When I met Conor, I felt whole again, like a piece of me had been filled inside. But now, it’s just been ripped out and I’m left with a gaping, bleeding whole in my chest and the pain won’t ever fade over time. So this is my only real solution right now. I was scared. Of course I was but at least I’ll be with my loved ones again.I stood up carefully from my spot and looked beneath me again. I closed my eyes tight and dangled one foot over the edge. I guess…this is goodbye…

Okay, here's the next chapter, it isn't the last so there is more to come, i hope you enjoyed it and can't wait for you to read the next chapter when it's up! 

-Grace x

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