13. the funeral

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hadleys funeral is today and im not ready. i mean how could i be ready for this? my 3 year old sister is dead. it will definitely help having jack and all my friends there. i woke up forgetting jack slept over again. i was about to get up but jack looked so cozy and i didn't wanna wake him. if I'm gonna wake him i better do it nicely. i got out of the bed and walked over to jack's side. "hey jack babe. we have to get up. its almost 1" i whispered. "ugh do we have to? we can just stay in bed all day." he answered. "i wish. but you need to get up." i said. i walked into my bathroom and turned on the shower. i was just getting undressed when i heard a voice behind me. "can i come in with you?" jack asked. "nope. not a chance. my mom is down stairs." i answered. "damn. next time?" he asked.
"maybe. go get ready" i laughed.
i got out of the shower, dried myself off and blow dried my hair. after my hair was completely dry, i straightened it. i was doing my make up and jack walked in.
he was wearing a suit. he looked really really good. "look at you all fancy." i said, he walked over behind me and put his hands on my shoulders. "hows my princess?" he asked as he started massaging my shoulders. "good. but i didnt get a kiss today." i said as i pressed our lips together. i finished getting ready and rushed out the door. we were running really far behind. we weren't having a full on funeral. we were just gonna burry her at the cemetery her dad is buried at. right next to him. we got to the cemetery and the priest was already talking. whoops. i didnt really see a lot of people i knew there. barely any of my family was there because they all live in maine and couldnt make it here. the priest just said some stuff and we set roses on top of the casket. it wasnt some big thing. we just all needed to say goodbye to her one last time. me, jack, carmen, noah, jessa and luke all decided to go out to eat after words. we all went home changed and met up at panera. we got our food and sat down. "so bryn how were you at the funeral?" luke asked. "i didnt cry" i stated. "she only cries during the night." jack stated. "how do you know jack?" noah asked. "because hes been sleeping over." i answered. "theyre havent been doing anything." carmen began but was cut off by my phone ringing. "shut up my mom is calling." i said.
m< hey sweetie im going on a date. i might not be home tonight. you can have people over. i don't care what you do just don't break anything.
b> ok thanks. bye
m< bye
"party at my house. my mom wont be home."

i think the next chapter is gonna be
dirty so beware. ok cool bye

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