32. calm

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**jacks pov**
"what do you mean your water just broke?" he panicked. "i mean my water just broke. the babys coming." i said. "ok uh ill get the bag. we have to go." he said as he sprinted to the babys room. "jack calm down" i said. "i am calm are you calm?" he said. "no youre not calm. youre panicking. im perfectly fine." i laughed. jack loaded up the car and helped me into it. this babys coming now. the car ride over was pretty short considering we live about a block away from the hospital. i havent really been in much pain yet. i mean im pretty good about pain. one time when i was little i fell of the monkey bars and broke both of my wrists. i didn't cry at all. anyways we got the hospital and i walked in with jack guiding me. a nurse grabbed me a wheel chair and took me up to a room. they got me into a gown and hooked up to all the monitors with in minutes. jack is still panicking. im the one that should be panicking. i have to push a baby out of me pretty soon. my water broke about an hour ago and im still not feeling much pain. the doctor says everythings fine but its highly unusual for me not to be feeling any pain but whatever. jack went back to the house to get the rest of the bags and he had to get some food in him. "how are you doing? can i get you anything?" the nurse asked. "no thank you im fine right now." i said. trying to find a good tv station here is tough. everything here is like the news and stuff. if im tryin to have a baby im gonna want some good tv on. luckily jack brought my ipad so i could watch netflix. i have no clue where he even is.

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