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after we got home i had  to clean up a few things for the party. i didnt have to do a lot i just had to hide some expensive stuff and go to the store. jack was upstairs doing only god knows what. i walked upstairs to grab some other clothes. i walked upstairs and my bedroom door was locked. "jack?" i yelled through the door. "hold on give me a second." he yelled back. a minute or so later he came to the door. "what were u doing?" i asked. "something for you. you'll find out later." he answered. "ok. well i have to go to the store do u wanna come with me?" i asked while picking out my clothes. "ughhhhh. do u need me to?" he groaned. "well u can either stay here and do the other stuff that i need you to do or you can come with me." i said. "ill stay here." he answered. "ok love you" i said as i kissed him.
i got back from the store and finished everything i had to do now we just had to wait for everyone to get there. of course jess, luke, noah, and carmen were the first ones there. people started showing up at around 7 i only invited like 40 people but by the end if the night there were like 70 people. i guess the word got around and people just kept showing up. my mom doesn't care if i drink so obviously there was gonna be some alcohol at this party i mean it was a senior party. i barely even talked to anyone at the party. it was so loud and there were so many people. i didn't drink that much because i was trying to be responsible and make sure nobody did anything stupid. people were dancing and grinding on each other all night. jack didn't leave my side all night. he says its because he doesn't want drunk guys hitting on me but whatever. me and jack were dancing when he turned me. "you've been biting your lip all night. whats up?" "nothing." i answered. "no somethings up" he answered. "just hormones thats all." i said embarrassed. "then we should go take care of that." he said as he grabbed my hand and led me to my room.

ayeeee wassup. ok but next chapters about to get heated so be prepared my little sunflowers.

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