Best kept secret, for how long?

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"A successful rescue I hope" I looked up from my tablet and smile at daisy

"Yes, next time you should come with us" she'd been trying to get me to come along for months now "we could use you out there"

"It would be great to get back in the field" I thought for a moment "but this place won't deputy direct itself" I joked

Out of the Corner of my eye I saw hunter walk into the building.

"Fill me in later on any new information you've gathered" I rushed

I jogged to catch up with hunter "So what have you got for me?"

Coulson has tasked me with taking down hydra, and who wants them gone as bad as me? Hunter. He's got a personal issue with hydras new leader ward, and he's out for blood. Which makes him the perfect candidate for a partner is crime. Whilst I have lingering anger hunter had a burning anger that will make our plan a success.  He'll take them down from the inside and I'll take out any ceaseless members who are still lurking about.

"My street sources tell me hydras gonna siding eerily sided"

"The hydra accounts were tracking have nothing but static, no money is changing hands." I was a bit frustrated

We made our way to my office, yes I have an office now and it's amazing.

"By the looks of it the hardware these nuts are using are well funded" he placed a bagged gun on the table

"If they're using this kind of equipment then there has to be a paper trail, we've just got to find it."

Coulson and Mack walked in and I pulled the women's profile that Coulson had me dig up earlier

"This women isn't hydra, she's had her hand in the CIA, MI6, and apparently the CDC all under Different aliases" I explained

"How are we going to find her?"

"Start by taking that hardware down to Bobbi in the lab" Coulson ordered

"No no no no no no no, I'm not going anywhere near Bobbi" hunter vigorously shook is head

Coulson and Mack exchanged questioning glances but then again who ever understands hunter.

"Fine I'll take it to her myself, wouldn't want you to do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable"

"I know that sarcasm and I'm willing to accept your thoughtfulness at face value" Hunter said before backing out of the room

"Mack you should go downstairs and assist daisy with intake" I suggested

Mack nodded and headed out of the room leaving just me and Coulson.

"I feel like me and Hunter are making head way with tracking down hydra, it may be slow head way but it's head way." I explained

I grabbed my coat and threw it over my shoulders "I'll have daisy fill me in on today's extraction on my way out"

"Escaping early I see" he joked

"Well we can't have Steve becoming to suspicious can we"


"Hi darling" Kat's voice echoed

I heard her footsteps getting closer and closer until she peek her head in. She sat her bag on the floor and plopped down on the end of the bed.

"So what did you do today?" She questioned

"Well" I sat up and and put my book down "I went to the FBI headquarters and had a video chat with the president on military strategies. Pretty boring stuff considering I do it everyday"

She shrugged

"What about you how was your day?" I asked

"It was so tiring, my professor gave an entire lecture on the definition of sub plots and its various meanings, I wanted to fall asleep the entire time."

Sebastian hopped up on the bed and sniffed her face, she laughed and gave him a little kiss on the nose.

"So what do you want to eat tonight, I'm thinking Chinese" she suggested.

"Sounds good to me"

"Alright you order, I'm going to jump in the shower" she walked in the bathroom and shut the door.

I picked up the phone and ordered from the Chinese place we loved that was just a few blocks over. I set the phone down and heard the shower begin to run. She seemed so domesticated and normal, I wasn't buying it. I eyed her bag, wondering what was inside. She's been back at school for two months now but she never seems to have any books with her.

But what if you go snooping and you're wrong, she'll think you don't trust her

I got up and grabbed her bag, I went back and fourth in my mind deciding if I should unzip it and see what secrets it holds, or doesn't hold. I finally decided that I needed to see for myself what was inside, I unzipped it and pulled out out a stack of files with the shield logo on them.

"What are you doing?" I looked up and Kat stood in the doorway looking at me with angry eyes

I must have been so caught up in my own head that I didn't notice the shower stopped

"The better question is what are you doing with these?" My mind began putting the pieces together "and why do you have one of these locked away in the closet?"

"I don't think it's any of your business" she snarled grabbing her bag and the files from my hands

"I think you've got some explaining to do"

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