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Amb's POV

Whoa jinjja you're so lucky *cries*. I should have stayed longer since It was just a dental appointment hais. Hmm I should stay here a while more before I leave ok? I said. Alright but what do you wanna do? Ailee said. Umm.. I'll watch variety shows with you & cook lunch for you? brb I'll go to the supermarket and buy food to cook ok keke. I opened the door & left the
house. I headed down to the park and to the supermarket. Hmmm.. What should I buy to cook for Ailee? *goestovegetablesection* *goestomeatsection* Hmm corn soup with bacon , meat & veg & corn soup ingredients. Sounds nice since Ailee likes bacon & meat so much ok I'll buy this. I put those items inside the trolley and walked to the counter. I lined up for like 3mins & It's finally my turn to pay. $10 please. *handsover* ok thanks miss. I took my groceries and left. I walked back to home anddd ...

Ailee's POV

Since amb went to the supermarket I started watching variety shows and wait for amb to come back. After 30 mins *opensdoor* Yo I'm back huhuhu Amb said. I've brought bacon , meat , veg and corn soup ingredients. YAYY BACON *laughs* Ha I knew you love bacon so I bought it. Thanks so much kekeke. Love ya !

Amb's POV

I went to the kitchen , took out all the ingredients and cooked. Firstly I on-ed the gas & cook the meat. Flippin it yeah. Later I marinated the meat & sliced the vegetable into small pieces. Later I then add the corn soup ingredients and mix them all together. After 1hour or so , the lunch is whipped up. HERE IT IS LUNCH !!

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