031 - Lottle World

17 1 0

Hoseok's POV

I was so happy that I can hangout with Ailee. It's like a fairytale story jinjja. An army can actually become my childhood friend? That must be a dream , but it came true ㅋㅋㅋ. I waited for her and after 5 mins she came. Ailee let's go in ! Okay ! Ailee said. Should we eat something first? I'm a little hungry. *^* Alright. We searched for a place to eat and *walking* *walking* this place looks nice should we go in? Yeah Ailee said. We ordered Fish and Chips. Soonly it came. Waaa it looks so nice. Of cus it's my favourite Ailee said cheekily. Oh is it? Waa. It must be really nice then. Try it Ailee said. I tried it. Waa indeed the fish is so nice man. Can I take everything home kekeke. Ailee laughed of course now you weirdo. *laughs* We ate for about 15 mins and we'ee about to finish eating and Ailee said Hoseok should we take a selfie? She took out her phone and pressed the camera button. Ok since I'm the selfie king of Bangtan *laughs* Yayayaya Ailee said. 1...2..3 ! *presspresspresspress* We tooked the selfie 4 in a row. Ha I shall post it on my sns. Let's go out and play. Yeah lets go!

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