Chapter five: Different Worlds and Emotions

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Alyx's POV:

I could only stare at Jeff with wide eyes, feeling my body start to shake with shock. How could Creepypasta not exist? How could a website just vanish without a trace? There were no blogs, Facebook pages, or even fan art of the Creepypasta characters.

"It's been a long day..." I said quietly, closing my laptop, "I think I'm going to bed..."

"Goodnight," Jeff cleared his throat, seeming to snap out of a daze, "Alyx..."

I gave him a small smile, before getting up and numbly walking towards the doorway of the room; looking back over at him.

"Goodnight, Jeff..." I gave him a slight wave, walking out of the living room.

He doesn't seem that bad... I sighed silently while entering my room and changing into comfortable sleeping wears; climbing into my bed afterwards. He's a bad guy... But... He doesn't seem like a bad person... Just really... Misunderstood... I closed my eyes, slowly drifting off to a dreamless sleep.


"Fire!" Leon's voice caused my eyes to snap open and sit up, "The eggs are on fire!"

"Shit!" I could hear Jeff's voice.

"Language, Jeffery!" Smile's bark was heard.

"Fuck you!" Jeff's voice replied with a snarl.

God damn it! I growled, jumping out of bed; quickly slipping into pants and a bra. What are they doing?! My head screeched as I stumbled out of my room, the scent of a fire instantly hitting my nostrils. Quickly following the smoky scent, I screamed seeing a fire on the stove.

"What are you guys doing?!" I screamed, grabbing a small wash cloth and swatting at the fire.

"We were trying to make breakfast!" Jeff joined my side, throwing a cup of water onto the blazing fire.

"You should have woke me up!" I screamed at him, seeing the fire get bigger with the added water, "Jeff!"

"What?! I'm trying to help, damn it!" He shouted back at me.

"What is going on in here?!" A demonic voice screeched angrily.

I froze on the spot, feeling my heart stop; I knew who that was. Slowly turning around, stood an extremely tall, faceless, man; he wore a black suit with matching dress pants and shoes. His hands almost touched the floor, while black, snake-like, tentacles whipped around from behind him. Slender Man is in my kitchen... Damn it, it was enough having Jeff around!

"Humans?!" I watched in horror as he screeched, snapping a tentacle in my face, "I'm disappointed, Jeffery... You, out of all my proxies, I would have never guess that you would let a human live..."

I couldn't move. I couldn't even speak; it was as if I didn't have any control of my body. Suddenly, children's laughter filled my ears, causing my breath to hitch. The laughter didn't sound right, it sounded forced and pained. Something happened to my vision; I could only see him. Slender Man. His tentacles snapped around angrily, he seemed to be getting closer. I was soon looking up at this horrifying creature, shaking badly. Why do you not scream? Why do you not try and run? I widened my eyes at him; he was talking through my mind. What's the point? If I run or scream, it would give you satisfaction... I mentally replied, starting to stop with my shakes.

"No!" A snarl was faintly heard, before I was tackled down by something, "Back off, fuckface!"

Instantly, my kitchen returned to my vision. Slender Man had been standing over me, in the vision and reality; Leon stood at the kitchen door way with Smiles, tears streaming down his peachy face. Feeling my tackler climb off me, I looked over to him; only to see, none other than Jeff. H-He saved m-me?

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